
Software Engineer Intern

May - September 2022 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Lots of perks

What I wish was different


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Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2022 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

I enjoyed the work and the amenities at the Meta campus.

What I wish was different

I wish I had gotten a return offer sooner to intern there again so that I could make a more informed decision about my own career choices.


It wasn't great, because of the new direction the company's profits are down and generally doesn't seem to be successful.
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Software Engineer Intern

June - September 2022 • New York City, NY

What I liked

What I wish was different

I wish that return offers weren't so up in the air.


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Global Operations Intern

May - August 2019 • Austin, TX

What I liked

Lots of control and independence over your work. Got to help prepare Facebook for 2020 elections and look at conspiracies.

What I wish was different

Needed more guidance throughout my internship and a bit more structure


Things are constantly changing, so be ready to work alongside a moving target.
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Facebook University Intern

June - August 2019 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

You learn so much in such a short amount of time and get to meet people from all around the world who have similar interests.

What I wish was different


Take advantage of your time there and meet with as many people as you can.
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Digital Marketing Intern

May - September 2021 • Torrance, CA

What I liked

I mostly enjoyed the virtual aspect of the internship and having the freedom to choose my hours. It was really flexible, which I enjoyed throughout summer.

What I wish was different

I plan to apply to medical school, and digital marketing is very far from that. However, I did enjoy my first experience working and feel like I learned so much from the people I reported to.


Make sure you're interested in the career field before signing up for it-- it makes the experience much more enjoyable.
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Full-Stack Software Engineer

May - August 2021 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

The team matching allowed me to do exactly what I wanted to do that summer

What I wish was different

Not virtual :(


Spend the time to get to know your teammates and your peers. They provide an amazing and very knowledgeable network.
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Developer Operations Intern

June - August 2021 • Sunnyvale, CA

What I liked

I absolutely loved the work culture. My teams were amazing, hours were flexible, people were helpful and understanding. My favorite part of the culture was that our workplace was on the Facebook app, so it felt like we worked in the social media itself. It was normal for me to reach out to the head of instagram and talk about the interview he did on the breakfast club. We had a great conversation. I also was allowed to drive project impact in my own special way by identifying gaps in the company knowledge and creating resources to fill them. Everyday I went to work I was so happy and grateful to be working there, and each day was a new challenge but I really really love the culture.

What I wish was different

The only thing I wish was different was the pay trajectory for my role, but this is a problem past Facebook. I wish tech companies valued operations work / non product revenue producing work more. The compensation for a L5 operations person is similar to an entry level SWE. I understand the reasoning completely, but this incentivises people to jump into tech on the product side even though both are extremely important. One side makes the money, and one preserves the money. Gross oversimplification, but just my opinion.


Open your mind. Ask questions, and be bold. Talk to EVERYONE at the company because everyone will make time for you. Especially as an intern. Learn about everything that tech has to offer because you're at the best in the world. Read the internal documentation, get all of the knowledge they'll offer. Look at the code for the products that shape the world in whatsapp and instagram. Read about the future plans for the metaverse. Make something cool and message Mark Zuckerberg about it. Control your experience. But also do your job! When you work at Meta, think about your friends who use Instagram, or your mom and dad on Facebook. Protect them and remember they're the reason you're working there.
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Software Engineer Intern

June - August 2021 • Houston, TX

What I liked

I love FB's fast growing environment! I'm in a fairly young-talents-drived group (FBP&G) where everybody is passionate about growing our business and helping small businesses to profit more from their social media presence. I also love the feeling of learning from everyone both cross-functionally and within the Engineering area. I feel more confident about working in an orgnization after this internship.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have it in-person to connect better with other people.


Always reach out to as much people as you can, and document your project process everyday. Be sure to think carefully about every decision, and discuss with your peers if you have multiple implementation ideas.
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Software Engineer Intern

May - August 2021 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

The freedom to explore and learn so much from so many people. The engineering style was so open which was amazing

What I wish was different

I wish it would’ve been in person because it was remote, and communication wasn’t the best. Would’ve been better in-person


Don’t be afraid to try things. Always ask good questions and learn as much as you can within the timeframe
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Software Engineer Intern

May - August 2021 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Good culture, teams Interesting and useful projects Good benefits, compensation

What I wish was different



Take initiative and ownership
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Software Engineering Intern

June - August 2021 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

What I wish was different

Project could have been more organized and team could have done more to connect with the interns.


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Facebook University Intern

June - August 2021 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Benefits included corporate housing; also fast-paced and independent learning environment

What I wish was different

In-person experience as opposed to remote


Constantly ask for feedback from mentors and keep track of your own progress and growth
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Software Engineer Intern

June - August 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

They gave the interns many of the benefits of a full time employee . I did Facebook University for Enginners which is a great pipeline program that I would recommend for frosh and sophomores interested in software engineering. I loved the experience I got working with new tools and in a new environment.

What I wish was different

I wish I had met more full time employee and while I worked there but I did get the chance to meet my manager and some of his coworkers.


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Software Engineering Intern

June - August 2020 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

People on my teams are extremely helpful and resourceful, available to unblock me whenever I have questions or am stuck. We hosted a virtual happy hour every two weeks. I learned a lot of technical skills, specifically on how to handle massive systems and execute them precisely, error-free but also, keep the speed very fast for consumer-purpose. The company as a whole is very transparent, and the executives hosted a series of Q&A sections for interns to learn about the company, the missions, the obstacles and the vision.

What I wish was different

I would love more human interactions, but given the current pandemic situation, that might be the best we could do.


For students who want to join big corporations, the easiest way is to get an internship and convert that into a return offer. Getting a new grad offer directly is much more difficult to get an interview and to pass it. (for the case of Facebook, I need to pass two interviews to get an internship, while for new grad, it would be 5 interviews).
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Software Engineer Intern

May - August 2020 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

My team at Facebook was extremely helpful and very flexible.

What I wish was different

Unfortunately, the pandemic forced me to do a virtual internship, which takes away from the experience.


Talk to your manager often. Don't stop asking questions just because they seem simple.
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Software Engineering Intern

June - September 2020 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

Interesting work and good mentor ship on top of fantastic pay. There was a lot to like interning for Facebook, and they made the transition to remote painless.

What I wish was different

I wish it had been in person. I did not get to experience all the Facebook events and benefits that comes with in-office work.


Start early on your project. Take it seriously. The payoff is huge.
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Software Engineering Intern

June - September 2020 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

-Community -Project

What I wish was different

I wish it were in person


Write your project preference questionnaire wisely
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Software Engineering

June - August 2020 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The openness of the company and how that impacts how much you are able to learn about the industry and the company beyond your team and position

What I wish was different

I wish it would have been in person, but they did an amazing job of adapting the experience given the circustamces


I would say to take advantages of all the events and resources that are offered outside of work hours
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Software Engineering Intern

June - September 2020 • Menlo Park, CA

What I liked

Fast paced, great opportunities to show impact and learn. Enough structure but enough hands off also.

What I wish was different

More choice regarding team selection.


Facebook is all about delivering impact, keep that in mind if you want a return.
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