Brigham Young University - Idaho

Assistant plumber

July - September 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

Full-time coworkers were a blast to work with. Great atmosphere and good learning experience

What I wish was different

Higher pay, more training


Ifor you're looking for a job, tell everyone. When people ask how you're doing, slip that you're looking for a job into the conversation with everyone. Use school resources.
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Tech specialist

August 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

Excelent work environment

What I wish was different

Perfect job


Use the best of your customer service skills with everyone one
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Information Systems Security Analyst

April 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I liked the relaxed nature of the environment and the wonderful team I got to be a part of

What I wish was different

I wish there was more direct ways to learn everything that I need to do this job right. There’s a steep learning curve without tons of diligence


Be prepared to study a lot of you aren’t an expert in this field already
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Custodial Lead

July - September 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

The managers were great.

What I wish was different

If we had temporary employees be part time and regular employees be full time it would have made cleaning a lot smoother


Look for the smallest details and always be in task
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Electrical Assistant

August 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

Best part of this job is learning all the skills and knowledge from the ground up. I also had amazing coworkers. We were doing the lighting project in Benson Building. And I felt my effort is valued.

What I wish was different

I'm really satisfied with this experience.


Always be willing to learn.
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Groundskeeping Worker

June - September 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I liked being able to work with my hands and keep the grounds looking good. It was the most low stress job I've had.

What I wish was different

I wish project objectives would have been more clear at times.


If you don't mind repetitive tasks and have good attention to detail this job can be pretty enjoyable.
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Market Research Analyst

May 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

Interesting work. Developed data science skills.

What I wish was different

A bit more structure in the work.


Own your projects and think outside the box.
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Student Software Developer

March 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

Great opportunity to grow and learn new systems. I feel like I learned more at work than in class.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have a higher pay and stay working there even after I graduate


Network! The more people you know the more job opportunities you'll get!
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Office Assistant

July 2018 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

The professionalism the office provides.

What I wish was different

I wish I wasn't the only assistant working at the time.


Sometimes you have to take a job that you aren't sure about.
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UI / UX Designer

May 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

Small on hands departments

What I wish was different


Build a good portfolio before you start.
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April 2018 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I was allowed to make my own schedule and get real experience in my field of study.

What I wish was different


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Economic Research Assistant

April - August 2017 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

It was something manageable that I could do on my own.

What I wish was different

The school had more ideas for people that don't get internships with industry or grad schools.


Get as much done as you can. Gives you more to write about and makes the thesis smoother.
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Lab Assistant

October 2017 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I love working with my hands and prepping all of the materials. I also love teaching the students about Microbiology. I am truly passionate about Microbiology, and I'm excited whenever a student's face lights up when the information clicks or they discover new organisms in the microscope.

What I wish was different

If anything, I wish I was able to spend more time teaching students and discovering more about microbes myself.


Listening to your boss is very important. Mine has taught me many things, some of which is about the reasons why we perform tasks a certain way. I have learned so much more in actual application of the knowledge than in the lectures themselves.
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FTC Assistant - Graphic Design Team

July 2017 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

The ability to work with instructors to solve problems with their courses. It feels good to do work that makes a positive impact on the education of fellow students

What I wish was different

It is a lot of time answering phones. There's nothing wrong with answering phones, but I do wish I had more opportunity to do graphic design work.


Learn to report the progress of projects effectively. It makes a large difference in the efficiency of an organization.
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Library Aide

August 2017 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

Everything. Flexible work schedule. Interesting work. Adam Luke Co-workers.

What I wish was different

More urgent projects


It's not just a library job. Own your work.
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July - September 2018 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

The work environment

What I wish was different

more hours


if you can get an on-campus job, take it and keep it for as long as possible
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Video Line Producer

May - July 2018 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

Hands-on experience in the field I received my degree in.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have had a longer time and hands-on with more productions.


Staying organized is key and it is very important to write down all of your ideas so that you don't forget something.
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Web Developer

January - December 2017 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

It was a great chance to work and gain experience in my field, still on campus.

What I wish was different

It would be nice to have more structure guidance


You have to be proactive about finding opportunities. They won't find you
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Student Financial Aid Counselor

November 2015 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

Helping other students

What I wish was different

Better pay


It is a great job to have on your resume
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Faculty Technology Center Assistant

July 2018 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I liked everything about the job it opened my mind and allowed me exhibit my talent pertaining to technology and I was able to have more interactions with most faculty members.

What I wish was different

Nothing the job had all it need and had all the skilled people to carry on the project.


I will say that you do your best anywhere you find yourself and with anything you are doing because you do not know when you will shine and always be willing to help others.
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