Brigham Young University - Idaho

Library Aide

January 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

The ancient artifacts we worked with and the old books that were over 100 years old that we handled. Flexible office hours.

What I wish was different

More time to work


It is very important to keep yourself motivated at work .
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Software Development Intern

January - April 2020 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I loved the environment and everything I learned from.

What I wish was different

More organization.


Just be organized by yourself, and do whatever they want you to do. Actually do more. Go ahead be proactive and secure in what you do.
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Adjunct professor

September 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I love the family and team atmosphere at BYUI

What I wish was different



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University Public Safety- Fire Protection Division

May 2018 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I enjoy most aspects of working with the Fire Protection team. Our boss, Byron Gilbert, is a really dependable, knowledgeable guy and it is enjoyable to work for him, which I have done off and on in my time with Public Safety since May 2018 when he hired me. The job itself is rewarding as you learn some things that have real-life application, especially if you are an Occupational Safety and Health major like I am. Though it can seem repetitive at times, the work that is performed by the Fire Protection team is really important to the safety of the individuals at BYU-Idaho; it definitely feels like you are doing something worthwhile and necessary.

What I wish was different

Sometimes thing were a little repetitive, but I realize that it was simply part of the job.


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Student Patrol

May 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

The pay is greater than most jobs here in Rexburg.

What I wish was different

I cannot think of anything right now.


This is a special job that is not fit for most people. It is hard but can be positive.
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April - October 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

There was plenty of work to be done, I enjoy working outside with others, I was able to experience and learn new things.

What I wish was different



Prepare to balance school and work this this job. It will help.
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Peer Academic Advisor

April 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

The opportunity to meet and talk to several students every day and help them figure out their academic and career plans for the future. Also being a tool to help them open their eyes to the many resources available on campus for their personal success.

What I wish was different


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April 2014 - December 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

My supervisor cared.

What I wish was different


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Ground's Crew Member

July - September 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I loved the group of people I worked with! There were seven of us and we worked well together as a team. We focused on one specific project and it was fun to see it progress. It was awesome!

What I wish was different

I wish I could've been paid a little more.


Go out of your way to show that you care about your work.
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September 2017 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

Knowledge gained in horticulture Developed people skills Getting to work outside My boss was awesome

What I wish was different


Try to learn something new every day
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Student support

April 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked


What I wish was different



Be diligent
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IT Project Manager

March 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I like Project Management position because I work with people and I focus on training them to become efficiency in their roles.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more data analyzing opportunities during the work day instead of getting the reports of the data.


Project management is needed in almost every job position in every industry.
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Office Secretary

November 2017 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I loved the people I work with and the environment and the flexible hours

What I wish was different

Not having to work so close to the holidays


Enjoy everything about this university while you can. Gain as much experience in everything as you can. It's amazing.
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Student Software Development Project Manager

October 2018 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

People are wonderful, workplace setup/atmosphere is wonderful, skills and learning experience have been unmatched by other campus employment opportunities.

What I wish was different

I wish campus jobs could offer more pay, especially for the amount of work we do and the money we save the campus annually.


Sacrificing experience over payment can be worth it; it isn't for everyone's situation, but if you can make it work it will pay off in the end.
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Assistant to Online Curriculum Designer, BYU-Idaho

January 2018 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I like that I can choose my hours to fit my schedule when I am in school and during the summer break. I also like the training I receive from my boss.

What I wish was different

I wish that there were fewer transcripts to be typed.


If you have the opportunity, do it. It's great to see how the courses go together, and make a little money.
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Career Success Mentor

June 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I liked having the opportunity to work on resumes of students who had graduated and had also received a Masters Degree. I also enjoyed having the opportunity to work with full time staff and be coached on varying situations

What I wish was different

I don't think I would change anything about that experience.


Take all the opportunities that come your way. You never know what will come of it.
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Assistant project manager

May 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I love my team & doing something that is important.

What I wish was different



Go for it. It’s a fun experience.
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Mac Lab Assistant

March - December 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I worked with wonderful people and got to help a lot of people doing what I love!

What I wish was different

I wish we focused more on Adobe programs than 3D printing


Come into work with an open mind and be patient.
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Technology Support Technician

April 2017 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I loved my team. Very supportive, functional, self-sufficient, efficient, and intelligent.

What I wish was different

Sometimes the people are difficult to help, and I wish people were kinder.


It’s been very difficult at times but worth it, if you can tough it out.
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Family life coaching

April - July 2019 • Rexburg, ID

What I liked

I enjoyed learning how to ask the “right” questions that allows the client to open up and really speak from their heart

What I wish was different

I wish I had been more open in class and really shared the experiences I had with others


I would tell the other students to practice often and be open about their questions with the professor
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