
Loss Prevention Intern

June - August 2018 • Monee, IL

What I liked

I enjoyed being constantly challenged by the job and feeling like I was playing an important role at my facility. My coworkers were incredibly welcoming and made me feel like a part of the team despite my short 10 week stay there.

What I wish was different


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Software Development Intern

May - August 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

I loved how incredibly knowledgeable every engineer on my team was, and how eager they were to help me whenever I needed it. Also, living with over a thousand other interns in the heart of Seattle was the experience of a lifetime!

What I wish was different

I would have appreciated more structured activities with your team to get to know them better.


You'll have to learn a lot in a fairly short period of time to be successful. So be excited about learning and embrace any opportunity to do so since everything you learn will be useful for your career.
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Fufillment Center Associate

June - August 2018 • Hebron, KY

What I liked

I liked how the daily tasks refined my work ethic. I learned how to make important decisions under pressure. I also liked how welcoming the Amazon team is. The environment is fun and you get to make history everyday!

What I wish was different


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Software Development Engineer Intern

May - July 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

My team at Amazon had a very relaxed environment, and I have the chance to work on interesting problems. I had very smart and helpful coworkers who helped me throughout my internship. I was given the opportunity to learn and grow.

What I wish was different


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Seasonal Associate

July - August 2018 • San Leandro, CA

What I liked

Very welcoming co workers and easy training

What I wish was different

More regulation


If you like repetitive, predictable work then this is a good job for you to make easy money
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Amazon Sortation Associate

July - September 2018 • Mundelein, IL

What I liked

It was a really good experience and environment to work in. They had a really diverse work community and all of my co-workers were very friendly and polite. The work itself was actually a really great work out because there was a lot of lifting and walking throughout my whole shift.

What I wish was different

Although my experience in Amazon was great, there were still some things I wish were different such as the temperature in the building. Since we did a lot of heavy work and cardio during our shift, it was very warm in the building so if there was at least some air conditioning in the building, then it would be a lot better.


If you want to have a better work experience, you should have a positive attitude throughout your shift and have friendly conversations with your co-workers once in a while-- that way work won't be boring or hard. I also feel like time flies by faster if you're having fun.
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Warehouse Clerk

May 2017 • Carlisle, PA

What I liked

What I wish was different


Don't be afraid to ask questions and talk to upper management. One of the building supervisors wrote me a recommendation letter for grad school.
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Junior Software Developer

May 2018 • San Luis Obispo, CA

What I liked

I love that the work I did and am doing was real. I wasn't sectioned off to do projects that were put aside just for interns. While smaller in scope and not as time-sensitive, the work I did was just like the senior developers would do. I also love the level of autonomy I was given. I was given a project and requirements, and I was able to ask questions of my mentor or other team members whenever I needed, but I was given lots of freedom to complete my work the way I saw fit; I owned my project from beginning to end. I learned a ton about industry, with code reviews and regular meetings for looking ahead or checking in. Most importantly, I was given access to real systems that supported thousands of daily users, and I was able to dive deeply into these systems to learn about them. I also really valued the amount I had to learn on my own. I spent (and still spend) many hours reading documentation, learning about tools made by other teams, and trying to figure out how to best use the tools available to me. Oftentimes, it was frustrating to have to do so much learning and reading before actually getting to writing code, but the lessons I learned from it were extremely valuable. The fun activities that my office planned for the summer Jr. Devs were also lots of fun, and they led to some good friendships and connections going into this new school year.

What I wish was different

My main complaint was the amount the requirements changed for my summer project. I would design and implement a project almost to completion before being told that a fundamental requirement had to change. While this was extremely frustrating at times, it helped me learn about and get used to the way the real world is - it wasn't just projects with well defined requirements and a clear end goal, but it's a constant back and forth to ensure that the product I was making was the product that our system's real clients would use and enjoy.


I would say that it is super important to ask questions. I often hesitated to ask about things for fear of being seen as needy or incompetent; however, my mentor and teammates were always happy to help. If I had asked more questions in the beginning, I think I would have been much faster and much more productive as the summer progressed.
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Warehouse Associate

July - September 2018 • Hillsboro, OR

What I liked

The work pace is fast and hard there, so you can get a very solid workout working there, while getting paid a decent wage for it. The managers are also fantastic, and want to see you do as well as possible. The hours are also fairly flexible, so you can definitely make the job work for you.

What I wish was different

There weren't a lot of people there other than the supervisors and managers that really wanted to talk to me, despite my general friendliness and willingness to help, so I definitely wish that I had met some more talkative people while there.


Know going in that if you work hard, you can make some great opportunities for yourself here. Be willing to learn new departments, offer to help where you can, and really try to understand how the job works, and you'll more than excel at this position.
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Central Ops associate

June - August 2018 • Tempe, AZ

What I liked

Comfortable working conditions, friendly co-workers and leads, timeliness. Manageable difficulty.

What I wish was different

Shifts were based around business need, so they were not conventional. Dispatching took place almost all the time, so there were overnights, early mornings, and a few mid-day shifts.


It was a good summer job, and there is definitely time to reflect about what you would want to do over the summer. I wish I had looked sooner for employment though.
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Software Developer Engineer Intern

May - August 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

I had a great mentor and manager who encouraged me and helped me gain confidence in my abilities. They were very supportive of me learning a lot and allowed me to have a lot of design control in my project and I learned so much. I can not stress enough how much I learned and I will be grateful for the experience always.

What I wish was different

My team was all male and that was socially difficult and I often felt not included, not because they were intentionally excluding me, they just didn't really talk to me.


You're not going to know everything, they're not going to expect you to know everything, so work as quickly as you can so you can run into kinks as quickly as you can.
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Software Development Engineer Intern

June - August 2018 • East Palo Alto, CA

What I liked

Working for Amazon was great. My coworkers were pleasant to work with and the pay was nice.

What I wish was different


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Software Development Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

My team!

What I wish was different


If you are doing an internship, make sure goals are clearly set for you
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Software Development Engineer Intern

June - September 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

Nice people, cool technology.

What I wish was different

less design


It's always day 1
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Seasonal Associate

August - September 2018 • Portland, OR

What I liked

Not too hard

What I wish was different

More breaks, pay more


Not really worth it at the time but now since they increase it to $15/hour, maybe worth considering.
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Public Relations Intern

June - August 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

My internship at Amazon was incredibly rewarding and I learned a lot of applicable skills. The work was meaningful to me because I could see the ways in which my efforts and my project were effecting Amazon customers in a positive way. This was so impactful to me because Amazon is such a large company but I still feel like I made a difference in my role. Also, my team was incredibly supportive and served as valuable mentors throughout my internship. They were also just fun and funny people that made going to work every day exciting. I really loved my internship.

What I wish was different

I thoroughly enjoyed my experience at Amazon and I wouldn't change a whole lot about my experience. If anything, I would have liked to interact with other interns more but there are only so many hours in the day and most of my time was taken up working or bonding with my team. But I also loved bonding with my team and I wouldn't have traded that for anything so it's hard to say what I would like to be different. More hours in the day I suppose.


I would advise people to take full advantage of the resources you have while working at Amazon or anywhere for that matter. There are so many people who are willing to get coffee with you and chat about what they do and give advice about pretty much anything. There's also so many programs and after hours events that companies often offer and they're a great way to meet new people and learn skills that you otherwise wouldn't have access to. I mean just because you're there to do a specific job does not mean that you can't seek advice our skills from all places in the company.
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Software Development Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

I really appreciate the amount of autonomy I was given and the experience of relocating for the summer.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more say in where I was placed during the summer.


I would suggest making as many connections as possible and always ask for a coffee chat.
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Software Engineering Intern

June - August 2018 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

I enjoyed the work life balance, the work I was doing, and espeically the team I was on.

What I wish was different

I wish the intern events could've been better.


For the housing stipend, you should realize that it will be cut almost in half, so plan wisely.
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Central Operations Associate

June 2018 • Tempe, AZ

What I liked

Great offfice environment

What I wish was different


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Senior Human Resource Assistant Intern

May - July 2018 • Livonia, MI

What I liked

It was a lot of fun working with such a customer centric type of company. You can really see how what you do impacts everyone in the facility. Seeing the process from when an order becomes and order to how it’s sent out to their home is very interesting.

What I wish was different

I wish the internship was longer!


Always be curious about what you’re doing and never be afraid to ask questions. Use your resources as much as you can, they are all around you.
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