
Warehouse Clerk

May - August 2019 • Richmond, VA

What I liked

The pay, the team

What I wish was different

The hours of work


Its heavy lifting
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Sales Intern

June - August 2019 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

Rapidly moving environment, exciting innovation all around you, and great cohort of intern peers. Excellent two week bootcamp with World class speakers and phenomenal training. So many resources at your fingertips and an incredible network if you leverage it.

What I wish was different

More interaction with management, at times it was difficult to know if I was doing a good job because it is a very "self-sufficient" style culture.


Soak it all in! Learn as much as you can and experience the new city to the maximum. After long work days, it can be hard to go be social or explore new areas, but it will be worth it! :) Meet as many people as possible and always be looking for a mentor.
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amazon employee

June - August 2019 • Troutdale, OR

What I liked

the pay

What I wish was different

no social interaction


amazon treats their employees terribly.
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Whole Foods shopper

May 2019 • Rochester, MI

What I liked

Very flexible job. You are allowed to choose your own hours and cancel shifts 24 hours ahead of time with no questions asked. Must work only 4 hours a month minimum. Pay can be raised at any time and while the hours are capped to 25 hours in any 7 day rolling period, we do raise our hour cap frequently if needed. The job is simple as well. If you can grocery shop, you are already qualified for this job.

What I wish was different

Our work area can be a tad unsafe sometimes. We work around people coming in and doing their normal grocery shopping, so we must be on alert at all times. We do have a standard of 60 items per hour, so we must be quick on our feet. Plus our staging areas for orders can be a bit hectic if many people are in our small room. The size of the room is just a problem for my location though. The other locations have much bigger rooms.


This job is incredible for students with a heavy course load and not much time to work. Since you only need to work one 4 hour shift a month, it is easy to take most of a month off to study while still keeping your job.
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Delivery driver

February - July 2019 • Englewood, CO

What I liked

I liked the customer interaction. Customers were very excited and happy to receive their deliveries

What I wish was different

I wish accountability had been different, as many other employees would not fulfill their duties.


Make sure whomever you work for has accountability measures to ensure you’re fairly compensated.
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Software Development Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Herndon, VA

What I liked

Met a lot of cool and incredibly smart people, and learned way more than I ever expected over the course of three short months.

What I wish was different

I had to commute about 2 hours each day because I decided to live at home, I wish I had found something a little closer to my job site.


Don't feel too pressured, ask for help, and you'll figure stuff out eventually, even if nothing makes sense at first.
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Prime now shopper

July 2019 • Rocky River, OH

What I liked


What I wish was different

Shifts are hard to get.


Always try your best and give whatever job you have 100%
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October 2018 - August 2019 • San Bernardino, CA

What I liked

Flexibility hours

What I wish was different

Point schedule


Great job
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Warehouse teamworker

July - August 2019 • Turlock, CA

What I liked

It was a friendly environment. Everyone got along and there were rarely any disputes.

What I wish was different

For work to be a little bit more lenient. Some days were easy but others could be tiring.


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Sortation Center Associate

June - September 2019 • Pilesgrove Township, NJ

What I liked

Good pay Easy hours

What I wish was different

More flexibility with picking initial hours


Patience, they eventually train you to work better positions
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July 2019 • Walker, MI

What I liked

Not using my own car

What I wish was different

More consistent hours


Like driving
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Inbound Area Manager

May - July 2019 • Murfreesboro, TN

What I liked

Constantly challenging in a good way. Everyday brought a different challenge that required teamwork between managers to overcome and find a solution. I was actively involved with the day-to-day operations and lead an area in the inbound department with around 80 associates. I learned more in these 10 weeks than any class could teach me. Also, this experience gave me real world examples for concepts learned in my supply chain classes. I highly recommend this internship to anybody in a business/engineering major.

What I wish was different

I wish the internship duration was longer and got more than one project.


You will have a lot of information thrown at you in such a short amount of time. Be prepared for that but don't feel overwhelmed. Try to become an expert in your individual department but still try to learn the other departments in either inbound or outbound. This will help with your project and being able to speak on it will look good on you from higher management.
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Working in Warehouse

August 2017 • Irvine, CA

What I liked

Simple tasks to do and most of the managers were great.

What I wish was different

More protection for the feet since we worked and stood on concrete for many long hours


Understand that you might be very tired
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March 2019 • Carlsbad, CA

What I liked

What I wish was different

I wish I would have gone to school instead


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Amazon Employee

July - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I enjoyed the companionship that came along with the other employees and employers. They were very welcoming, helpful, and friendly.

What I wish was different

I wish I had gotten the job earlier as it would have been more advantageous for me to work there longer.


To listen to the rules and employers. By providing assistance they will make sure you are equally as respected.
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Amazon warehouse

May - August 2019 • Sterling, VA

What I liked

What I wish was different

Better management style


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Software Development Engineering Intern

June - August 2019 • Herndon, VA

What I liked

Despite the work being very challenging, the environment is surprisingly very relaxed and comforting and the people there are extremely knowledgeable and always eager to help.

What I wish was different


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Software Development Engineer Intern

May - August 2019 • Seattle, WA

What I liked

Onboarding process was smooth

What I wish was different


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Fulfillment Associate

September 2017 • Teterboro, NJ

What I liked

Fast pace, diverse, environment

What I wish was different


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Warehouse Clerk

May - September 2019 • Closter, NJ

What I liked

I like the freedom and the ability to do my work without much supervision. It gave me a sense of responsibility and accountability.

What I wish was different

I wish I started working there earlier.


Since you're working for Amazon no matter how Low the job position is you should always have a mind to look up towards working at the top
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