Whole Foods Market

Check Out Cashier

June - September 2021 • Darien, CT

What I liked

Very nice colleagues and supervisors. Learning curve wasn't too steep (in terms of learning buttons, food codes, etc.) Collaborative environment

What I wish was different

The struggle of every cashier: tired legs/feet Everything else was fine, honestly.


Be open to the idea of helping out others, then they'll be more likely to help you in the future.
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Program Manager

June - August 2023 • Austin, TX

What I liked

Internship experience was great! I had the opportunity to work with different teams and also explore the other teams at the company (e.g., operations, partners, etc.)

What I wish was different

Nothing! Everything was well organized. Would be great if they had a return offer policy.


Make sure you think about your favorite Whole Foods product (just ONE!).
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October 2016 - August 2017 • Alexandria, VA

What I liked

High pay

What I wish was different

Hard customers, boring job


Not bad of a job. Wouldn't do it forever though
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In-store shopper

March - October 2022 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I did like that the job itself was so active and the ability to easily pick up and drop shifts.

What I wish was different


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November 2020 - August 2022 • Danbury, CT

What I liked

Great team overall, great people to work with

What I wish was different

More flexibility with hours working, more money of course as well!


Customer needs always come first, don’t be afraid to meet new people!
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May 2022 • Malibu, CA

What I liked

I like to make drinks and build relationships with regular customers. I also like the friendships I've build with some of the team members in other departments.

What I wish was different

I often wish that the job is a little more put together, making sure I have all of the supplies I need to do my job well each day. My co workers in the juice bar are not always team players


One piece of advice I wish to share is to enjoy the interactions you have with customers because it will make the job each day more enjoyable and bring more customers back. Also the job can get overwhelming when there is a rush of customers, but I would advise that the best thing is to stay calm while working efficiently.
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August 2021 • Charlottesville, VA

What I liked


What I wish was different

Flexible Hours


A good work place for students that prefer fast paced working environments
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Continuous Improvement Intern

June 2021 • Austin, TX

What I liked

The company and my coworkers were very welcoming. There was a lot of effort to keep the interns involved with the company.

What I wish was different

This internship was remote. I wish it had been in-person so I could actually experience a work environment.


Make sure you can properly estimate how long your work will take you.
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Meat and Seafood

May - July 2021 • Chattanooga, TN

What I liked

I enjoyed the working environment and the people I worked with. The kitchen we worked in was nice and I felt included in everything.

What I wish was different

I wish people took things a little less seriously in the workplace because there were stressful days for no reason really. I also wish I would have learned more about the saw and how to cut bone out of things with it.


Go and have fun, its whole foods!
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In-store shopper

June - August 2021 • Santa Barbara, CA

What I liked

Good job with variety and problem solving.

What I wish was different

Stats made it stressful and the customers can be incredibly entitled and obnoxious.


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In-Store Shopper

October 2020 • Tigard, OR

What I liked

Everyone is so nice and the business is very well organized

What I wish was different


Work hard and be kind. It’s the two best qualities you can have in life.
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Team member

October 2018 • Houston, TX

What I liked

The flexibly of the schedule, they made sure to work with my college schedule since I am a full time student

What I wish was different


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May 2017 - August 2020 • Kansas City, MO

What I liked

My co-workers, managers, and I all worked well together. I felt like I could always rely on them, and they could rely on me. Also, I liked seeing all the different products our store offered, especially seasonal items.

What I wish was different

During some periods of time, we really need more staff members. However, due to restrictions from higher up in the company we were maxed out on the number of cashiers we could have on the team.


Don't get too worked up about customers who are rude or whatever to you. 99% of the time it isn't personal, so don't bring that stress home with you.
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September 2018 - August 2020 • Elmhurst, IL

What I liked

Easy going for the most part, nice people, very laid back job . Pay was nice especially for a college student

What I wish was different

Sometimes management was difficult but they were still very flexible and accommodating


It’s a nice place to have a part time job for school but I wouldn’t recommend working full time/making a career out of it
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Produce Team Member

July 2020 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

What I wish was different

I wasn't expecting the pandemic but at the same time nobody was, I wish it wasn't so hectic at times since people were panic shopping and so on but nonetheless it was a crazy experience to go through with various coworkers!


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June 2018 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

Co-workers, store discount

What I wish was different



Stay energized, rest a lot
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Grocery Clerk

May - August 2020 • Fresno, CA

What I liked

I liked how accommodating they were to my busy school schedule, as well as how seriously they took store precessions against COVID-19.

What I wish was different

I think the experience was nothing but beneficial, and I wouldn't change any experience of my employment here.


I would say that it is always good to apply for a job outside of your comfort zone, and try to work in multiple new environments throughout the labor force before beginning your long term post-graduation career.
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Prime Now

May 2020 • Hadley, MA

What I liked

What I wish was different


Always communicate. Focus on helping those around you and the rest will come easy.
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Front End Supervisor

July 2017 • Boulder, CO

What I liked

I really enjoyed the interactions with customers. Every interaction with a person made me feel closer to my community

What I wish was different

The pandemic put a wrench in many of our operations. We lost a lot of teammembers whether they left for medical reasons or are sent home becuase the university closed.


Managing other people is hard and exhausting but with that in mind, comming in with a postitive attitude helps. It eventually rubs off on thoes around you.
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July 2020 • Denver, CO

What I liked

The team members and the occasional free stuff in the break room

What I wish was different

Scheduling (some 4 am shifts for covid and 3 am for inventory)


Be aware there are many ups but also downs on this job. You’ll grow a tough skin and get better at talking to customers.
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