This also depends. Wellington has a very prestigious background and name associated with it, so when some hiring managers see that experience on your resume they may be more inclined to pursue you. That said, Wellington has a particular way of running their business which may not suit some just j...
Investment Banking
Career Progression
Wellington Management Company
The first thing a lot of my co-workers asked me was “why are you interested in investing”? You have to be passionate about what you’re doing, otherwise you’re not a valuable asset to the firm (pun intended). It seems to me like the more you enjoy your work, the better results you will produce and...
Investment Banking
Wellington Management Company
I work in the London office, which I imagine has different compensation than the Boston office. As a rising senior I would expect a salary between £30-35k in the London office.
Investment Banking
Wellington Management Company
Wellington has internship positions for undergrads. You get a “buddy” during this time, which I’ve found extremely useful. He has helped me consider what I like/don’t like about the company, how it compares to other firms, and how to improve my performance during the 9 weeks I’m here.
I’ve also ...
Investment Banking
Wellington Management Company