Vineyard Theatre

Marketing Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I liked seeing how an actual Off-Broadway theatre company worked behind the scenes, particularly in the off season. I was able to sit in on many actual production meetings regarding the festival they were hosting at the time. I learned a lot about the Marketing process as well from the Marketing director of the company.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more to do, or that the workload had been more easily distributed. For the first month of the internship, I rarely was assigned tasks, even though my supervisor was so busy. Instead of that resulting in her giving more for me to do, it meant I was hesitant to tell her when I had finished something and to ask for another task. I felt like a was a bother to her.


Ask questions and offer your expertise. They hired you for a reason, and not every company wants interns!
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Marketing and Development Intern

June - August 2017 • New York City, NY

What I liked

The staff was incredible. They were dedicated to making sure this experience was fruitful and educational. I got a number of awesome perks for working there. I was treated with respect and was given a lot of responsibilities and trust, and I felt valued and appreciated.

What I wish was different

Nothing. While being paid would have obviously been nice, the experience was worth it.


Don't be afraid to ask questions. This experience is for you to learn, and they know it. Make sure you're taking in everything you can.
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