The Odyssey

About The Odyssey

The Odyssey provides a platform for the voices of our generation. We give you the freedom to use your evolving opinions to write about issues that matter to you, and then share them with a national audience. We have a thriving presence on 80 esteemed campuses across the country where we are often the most widely read news source in those communities. Powered by our grassroots approach to producing content, The Odyssey maintains an average of 100,000 reads per campus, garnering 8+ million reads per month nationally. We've created something special, what can you bring to the table?

Questions & Answers

Talking points for my interview for Editor in Chief at The Odyssey? If you're a writer and have gone through a similar journey, feel free to join in the conversation!

Journalism +4

How much should I expect to make working as an Editor in Chief at The Odyssey?

Journalism +4

What would I need to know when prepping to interview for a President position at a business like The Odyssey?

Interview +3
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