The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Information Security Analyst

May 2019 • Riverton, UT

What I liked

Culture Learning opportunities Managers, co-workers Flexible scheduling

What I wish was different



It's easy to feel under-prepared/not-qualified, the only thing that matters is your willingness to learn and a good work-ethic.
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Executive Assistant

August 2018 • Salt Lake City, UT

What I liked

The opportunities provided to grow myself professionally outside of my normal job responsibilities. Being able to work with people that have had such successful careers and to learn from their examples. Being apart of cause everyday that I really care about.

What I wish was different



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Fulltime missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

February 2018 - July 2019 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

I had the opportunity to meet lots of different kinds of people from all over the world. I was also able to feel the joy of helping other people come to Jesus Christ.

What I wish was different

The schedule was intense at times, more sleep would have been great.


Give every day your all. It will be so fulfilling.
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Project Management Intern

April - September 2019 • Riverton, UT

What I liked

I loved the spiritual environment and my coworkers. I was one of only two interns, the rest of my coworkers were full-time employees. Because of this, I felt more like an employee rather than an intern. I was also given many experiences to grow my education and lead others. I have come out of this experience a better manager than I was before, as well as a better team member.

What I wish was different

Halfway through my internship my manager changed. It was a disorienting experience both for him and for me, and it was hard to deal with the change of management structure. Overall, it was a good experience to gain from, but it was hard at the time.


Don't be afraid to propose change. Sometimes since everyone is used to the way that things are working, change won't be easy, but the benefit of change is often a good thing.
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Traveling Missionary

June 2018 - December 2019 • Lima, Lima Province

What I liked

Was able to meet and know so many great people!

What I wish was different

Lived without water for one month!


Be completely obedient and find joy in every day
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August 2017 • Stockholm, Stockholm County

What I liked

I had an incredible experience as I was able to see people feel the goodness that exists in God. There is a power found within the Gospel as found within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I loved the chance I had to work as a volunteer and come closer to my Savior through helping others do the same. I loved seeing drug or alcohol addicts begin to see the light as they learned about their Savior. I loved the chance to teach and to expand my teaching abilities.

What I wish was different


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August 2017 • Macon, GA

What I liked

I enjoyed the chance I had to serve the communities in Georgia.

What I wish was different



Be prepared to give a lot.
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LDS Mission

December 2017 • Buenos Aires, Argentina

What I liked

Well I loved all of it. I got to forget about myself for two years and go serve others every day by doing anything from simple acts of service to helping them change there lives completely by following the gospel of Jesus Christ.

What I wish was different



That hard work pays off. If you want something go out and get it, don't be selfish and focus on others and how you can help them and you will have success in anything you do.
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April 2018 - October 2019 • Semarang, Central Java Province

What I liked

I loved sharing the gospel with those who didn’t know. I loved testifying of Christ to people who knew nothing more than that He was a great inspired man. I loved working with companions and other sisters and the spiritual support of the daily schedule.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been more practiced in time management.


If you go, go with your whole heart, holding nothing back.
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Service missionary

January 2018 - July 2019 • Gdańsk, Pomeranian Voivodeship

What I liked

I loved focusing on sharing my beliefs with others and serving in as many ways possible

What I wish was different

I have no regrets! I'm just glad I got to meet the people I did


A mission is an incredible opportunity to grow yourself. Take that opportunity by focusing on others, and you will find yourself
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Full time missionary

July 2017 • Córdoba, Córdoba Province

What I liked

The opportunity to get to know people of other cultures and languages. It was so fulfilling to become an important part in aiding them in their personal lives.

What I wish was different


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May 2018 - November 2019 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

Everything about it was amazing.

What I wish was different


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Communication intern

July - September 2019 • Salt Lake City, UT

What I liked

It was very rewarding and fulfilling

What I wish was different

Worked harder


Work hard and strive to go beyond what you have been asked to do.
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Full-Time Missionary

March 2018 - September 2019 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

I had the opportunity to help people everyday. It was as rewarding as it was taxing and I felt like I grew and benefitted from my service.

What I wish was different



You get what you put in. If you don’t want it to mean anything it won’t, but it could be the best thing you’ve done.
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Full-Time missionary

February 2018 - August 2019 • Amsterdam, North Holland

What I liked

I loved living in the Netherlands and experiencing the many different cultures and the people! I learned so much about the world and I got to see how people outside of the United States operate.

What I wish was different


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January 2018 - October 2019 • Mesa, AZ

What I liked

Interpersonal relationships

What I wish was different

Not so hot in the summer


It was worth it
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May - August 2019 • Schaffhausen, Canton of Schaffhausen

What I liked

I loved being able to dive into the culture and learn a new language.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have been able to stay longer.


Enjoy every minute, because these are once in a lifetime opportunities.
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January 2018 - July 2019 • Chimaltenango, Chimaltenango Department

What I liked

Being a missionary is an incredible experience because you get to know the people and their culture as they let you into their homes with open arms.

What I wish was different

I wouldn’t change a thing!


Just love the people and serve them with your whole heart.
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January 2019 • Salt Lake City, UT

What I liked

Great people!

What I wish was different

I wish I could work more hours per week there


Ask questions! People there are really nice, don't be afraid to ask.
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January 2011 • Salt Lake City, UT

What I liked

I like everything about my job; the atmosphere, the people I serve and work with. I couldn’t ask for a better environment than this.

What I wish was different

Enrolled in educational opportunities earlier.


Always do what you love, and you will most likely do it well.
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