Our mission is to help the leprosy colonies become thriving, self-sufficient communities.
We are accomplishing this through three major initiatives:
Economic rehabilitation through micro-grants.
Providing medical care through mobile medical clinics.
Educating children by providing opportunities to become productive citizens of India.
Leprosy is curable. Rising Star Outreach seeks to defeat it. Even so, people who have contracted leprosy must often spend their lives completely isolated from society, although they may have been cured.
They, and members of their families, sometimes find it impossible to marry, receive education or find work. An estimated 100 million people worldwide are victims of this discrimination. In India there are over 700 "leprosy colonies" where the stigma of leprosy is inevitably perpetuated.*
If caught early enough, Leprosy can be stopped before it ravages a body and ruins a life.