Outback Steakhouse
July 2019 • Kenwood, OH
What I liked
Good environment and coworkers
What I wish was different
Not good pay
Always stay positive. Customers can be very rude but its not worth getting upset over
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Takeaway Specialist
August 2017 • Ormond Beach, FL
What I liked
Great pay, wonderful atmosphere, and always exciting.
What I wish was different
This is a great opportunity if you're looking to learn about working well within in a team and push yourself to work at a fast pace.
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June 2019 • Gold River, CA
What I liked
Great experience to be able to work as a team
What I wish was different
It was a great experience to be able to put on my resume
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May - August 2019 • Olympia, WA
What I liked
I loved having a such an active, busy job.
What I wish was different
I wish I had more serving hours, rather than other roles such as host or utility.
Serving is a great opportunity to learn how to treat people well, even if they don’t treat you well.
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April - November 2019 • Cordova, TN
What I liked
My coworkers became family to me, they were all wonderful people.
What I wish was different
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August 2017 • Kennesaw, GA
What I liked
The staff is very friendly. The work is easy, and management is very flexible with your schedule.
What I wish was different
With serving you get out what you put in, I wish that I put a little more into it.
If you ever serve make sure your customer leaves happy because they will remember you.
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April 2019 • Terre Haute, IN
What I liked
The opportunity to take home the money I made that same day.
What I wish was different
I wish it were busier during the summer.
Don't provide input on work drama. Just go in, make customers happy, make good money, and go home.
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December 2015 • Gold River, CA
What I liked
Great experience to learn teamwork skills and multitasking.
What I wish was different
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