Northrop Grumman Corporation

Software Engineering Intern

May - September 2018 • McLean, VA

What I liked

Very flexible hours, interesting projects, nice team members.

What I wish was different

A little slow-paced; occasionally found myself with no tasks left. Also, would like to see more intern events (that aren't just watching company executive talks).


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Electrical Lab Summer Intern

May - August 2018 • Bethpage, NY

What I liked

Great working environment. Friendly employees and good pay.

What I wish was different

More involved projects for interns, had summer employees doing a lot of busy work.


Seek your own opportunities and be ambitious about finding work to do.
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security operations/infrastructure support intern

June - August 2018 • Richmond, VA

What I liked

I liked how willing employees were to assist you and provide you with the resources you need. There were many opportunities to get involved and build your network!

What I wish was different



Ask others what they need help with!
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College Technical Intern

May 2018 • Huntsville, AL

What I liked

Good pay, Everyone is really nice, people at this company really care about what they do.

What I wish was different

Not the best organization of their internship program


Be patient and speak up if you don't like where you get placed, they will do their best to move you to somewhere you want to be.
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Engineering Intern

June - August 2018 • Commerce, CA

What I liked

The company atmosphere was very welcoming. I was always busy and tasked with projects that were very beneficial to my future career.

What I wish was different

I wish my boss and the assistant boss were giving me the same instructions. They often contradicted each other which led me to make several 'mistakes'.


Be open to doing anything. Keep an open mind and positive attitude.
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Software Engineering Intern

January - August 2018 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I felt that the work I was doing was meaningful and could directly see the benefits of my work. Also, I was able to interact with upper management regularly and easily if I had any problems. The environment at Northrop is very welcoming as nobody expects you to know everything and you can ask people for help if you need it.

What I wish was different

I wish that there was more senior developers on the team I worked on. For the last 6 months of the co-op I was the senior developer of the team. Also, I wish their return offer process was more flexible and the offer respond by date was longer as I had a week to respond to it.


Don't be afraid to take on more/ different responsibilities as that is how you grow both professionally and personally.
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Software Intern

June - August 2018 • Rolling Meadows, IL

What I liked

Employees very involved and helpful. Got to work on a real project and learned about new technologies. Good work-life balance

What I wish was different

You don't work with other interns. Typically work with other employees or on your own. Everyday is pretty similar.


Average age at the company is pretty high. You don't get your clearance the first summer usually.
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Fault Management Systems Engineering Intern

June - August 2018 • Redondo Beach, CA

What I liked

I enjoyed learning about space vehicle design and python. I also liked all of the people I worked with, as well as the 9/80 schedule.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had a security clearance and that I was doing more hardware-based work.


Don't be afraid to reach out and ask questions because everyone is more than willing to help you out.
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Business Management Intern

June - August 2018 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

Being treated like an actual employee. Working with some of the brightest minds in the defense contracting industry. Given actual, meaningful work.

What I wish was different

Been offered an engineering position, as that is the field I am majoring in.


Network. Take advantage of getting to know people on the job, create relationships that might lead to a real career one day.
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June - August 2018 • Palmdale, CA

What I liked

The people and the environment

What I wish was different

knowledge of rotation program; other options for civil engineering students in addition to facilities


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Flight Sciences and Test Engineering Intern

June - August 2018 • Sierra Vista, AZ

What I liked

I liked that I worked on a UAV program and could follow the testing procedures from inception to execution. I also liked that I went to the flight line and saw the UAV's flying during test operations.

What I wish was different

For my returning internship, I hope to gain more experience at the flight line and working more with the data acquisition system.


My advice is to always keep and open mind and take whatever comes your way. There is no telling what interesting opportunity will arrive.
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GMD Commuication Network Hardware Group

September 2017 • Huntsville, AL

What I liked

Very hands on and fun people to work with. They gave me everything I needed as far as a Security Clearance and training and gave me several cool opportunities one of which I get to travel for.

What I wish was different

I wish I had known more about networking and network security before getting here, but it has been very interesting to learn as I go along.


Study up on communication networks and Ground System Missile Defense as a whole. There are tons of opportunities there.
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Technical Intern

June - August 2017 • Redondo Beach, CA

What I liked

I got to work on some pretty cool new technologies.

What I wish was different

The company cultures is definitely put your shoulder to the wheel.


Ask for help. There are tons of people perfectly willing to help you.
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Manufacturing Engineering Intern

January 2017 • Ogden, UT

What I liked

I was doing real engineering work. I was not sitting behind a desk trying to rewrite process orders for the shop floor. I feel like I have so much more experience under my belt becuase of this!

What I wish was different

I wish there were more manufacturing engineers. We are often swamped with work so that can be hard to deal with while trying to graduate.


Do a co-op internship! A co op internship can give you so much more experience and employers really care about your schooling so it's much easier to get time off and make a decent wage while going to school.
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Software Engineering Intern

June - September 2017 • Herndon, VA

What I liked

Learned a lot about software development lifecycle. Management was very flexible, other interns were friendly. Good company culture! Learned a lot of practical computer science skills.

What I wish was different

Onboarding process was a bit tedious.


Ask for things to do!
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Communication Systems Engineering Intern

June - August 2017 • El Segundo, CA

What I liked

Relaxed learning environment, cool projects.

What I wish was different

Wish there was less routine and more interaction, sometimes being in a cubicle is not the most fun thing.


Find what type of worker you are, whether you enjoy a lab environment or an office environment, whether you like interacting with others or not. All those factors should determine which job you want to attain (or whether you want to go to graduate school and perhaps work afterwards or pursue academia).
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Technical College Intern

May - August 2017 • Colorado Springs, CO

What I liked

I enjoyed being able to strengthen my networking skills as well as learn something new related to my major that I could potentially apply to a future job.

What I wish was different

Going in they thought I was a different major so I was placed in a wrong position. I learned a lot of new skills in this other area. However it would have been nice to have an internship related to what I study.


Even if it feels like all you do is the work no one else wants to do, give it 110% effort. Your employer will see your effort and give you more responsibility as time goes on.
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Deployable Products and Mechanisms Intern

June - September 2017 • Redondo Beach, CA

What I liked

I really liked the team that I worked with, and the project I was on was exciting. The product development engineers were very passionate and hardworking. I feel I know what I want to work on when I graduate.

What I wish was different

I wish the work had been slightly more challenging and faster paced. That's the tough thing about short internships. I was there for all the slow paperwork preparation before testing, and had to leave for school right as testing was about to begin.


Make connections, work hard, always ask for more work when you can. It will reflect well upon you and you will likely be asked to return for an internship or full time job.
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Technical Intern

June - July 2017 • Chester, VA

What I liked

Good work environment, great intern group, great learning experience, great employees

What I wish was different

I wish projects opportunities had been more explicit, but through networking, I managed to find some great projects to work on


Be social, network with other interns and employees, and take initiative. Don't shy away from projects or opportunities, and work hard on the work you pick up.
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Systems Engineering Intern

June - August 2017 • Huntsville, AL

What I liked

Getting to travel to Tennessee for robotics work

What I wish was different

I wish I had my clearance when I first started because I couldn't work on anything until I got that


Ask for more projects if you're bored
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