I will speak on behalf of my own personal experience, but the company culture was great. I loved how the teachers i worked with, worked with me and communicated efficiently as well. I sent my kids updated videos about my first semester at Towson when I left them and came back home to visit them o...
Company Culture
Montgomery County Public Schools
Be prepared to share why you think working with this population woukd be a good match for you. Also be prepared to talk about any previous experiences you have had working with similar populations and/or skills you have used in other experiences that are transferable to this position. You may be ...
Special Education
Montgomery County Public Schools
Every school is a bit different in terms of the schedule and/or how many kids you are working with at once. Typically, you help the children get off the bus and to their classroom and prepare for the day. The teacher will have their schedule ready for the day and you will assist the teacher with ...
Day in the Life
Special Education
Montgomery County Public Schools