Milwaukee Justice Center

About Milwaukee Justice Center

The Milwaukee Justice Center ("MJC") is the Milwaukee County self-help center for civil legal issues. The MJC is a collaborative partnership between Milwaukee County Clerk of Court, Milwaukee Bar Association, and the Marquette University Law School. We utilize over 450 volunteers to serve over 10,000 individuals each year in self-help desk services, brief legal advice and referrals, and alternative dispute resolution service.


Family Law Forms Intern

June 2019 - August 2019 Milwaukee, WI
“I enjoyed working with a diverse pool of guests from several different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. ”


May 2019 Milwaukee, WI
“I loved the opportunity to work with members of the Milwaukee community to address their legal issues. Often, the court system can be complicated, financially and emotionally demanding, and inaccessible. Providing free and personal assistance to people that may not otherwise have the means to successfully self-represent was really rewarding. ”
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