Lennox International

About Lennox International

Lennox International (LII) is a leading global provider of innovative climate control solutions for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVACR) markets.

Beginning over a century ago, Lennox International has built a strong heritage of Innovation and Responsibility. Our position as an innovation leader continually inspires us to promote more efficient energy use and a healthier environment through our product operations. Our engaged and diverse workforce is committed to providing climate control solutions that provide the most value and comfort for our customers.

We are proud to have instilled a shared sense of responsibility and commitment among our approximately 11,000 employees located throughout North America, South America and Asia.


Accounting Intern

June 2021 Richardson, TX
“-Friendly work environment, you can tell that everyone wants you to be successful -Amazing training, as an accounting intern I was exposed to many different projects and journal entries -Open door policy, even though I worked remotely I could reach out to my manager with any questions/concerns -Work/Life balance they understand that things come up in your personal life and support you if you need to take time off”

Corporate Communications Intern

June 2020 - August 2020 Richardson, TX
“- Accomodations provided for remote work. - learning opportunities and seminars - I was able to sit in on important meetings. ”
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