Kuumba Academy Charter School

Is there any research I need to do before interviewing for a 3rd grade team leader job at Kuumba Academy Charter School?

In order to prepare for a successful interview for this position I would first conduct research on the school itself. When researching the school, take note of the charter’s mission statement and assess how you feel that aligns with your own mission and beliefs as an educator. Next, I would look ...
Interview Education Teacher Elementary Team Leader Kuumba Academy Charter School
1 answer

What might a 3rd grade teacher do in a single day at Kuumba Academy Charter School?

The typical day for an elementary teacher at this school is reporting to pick students up from breakfast at 8:00 and supporting dismissal at 3:45. You would teach a class of approximately 24 students with a varying range of academic and socio-emotional strengths and needs. Part of your job includ...
Day in the Life Education Teacher Elementary Team Leader Kuumba Academy Charter School
1 answer