Jewish Federation of Omaha

If anyone has the experience, I'd like to hear about your time as a swim instructor at the Jewish Community Center!

Being a swim instructor at the Jewish Community Center was my first swim instructing experience. I worked under Camp Mindy, so I had to teach groups of swimmers. I would come in, grab the toys and tools needed for my lessons, and the kids would arrive, sit on the wall and listen to me talk. For m...
Day in the Life Recreation Swim Instructor Jewish Community Center
1 answer

How can I succeed as a swim instructor at the Jewish Community Center?

You need to work well with children (they do not always listen :)), you should have previous swimming experience, you should be able to create your own lessons, and try to make it fun for the kids. Most of the time, kids are scared of the water or do not want to swim, your goal is to make them co...
Skillset Recreation Swim Instructor Jewish Community Center
1 answer

I'm going to be interviewed for an adaptive swim instructor job at the Jewish Community Center, what can I expect going into this?

You share your expereince working as a lifeguard or swim instructor. If you have had experiences with children with developmental disabiities in the water, I would focus on those experiences. If you have not had experiences working with kids in the water, I am willing to offer resources and mento...
Interview Recreation Swim Instructor Jewish Community Center
1 answer