HealthTrio LLC

Software Engineering Intern

May - November 2017 • Tucson, AZ

What I liked

The full time employees were incredibly helpful. Though I came in with very little Java experience, learning was a quick and painless process thanks to the approachability of the full time engineers. Additionally, there was quite a bit of transparency. As an employee at HealthTrio, you always know where you stand with management. Not to mention the fact that you have the opportunity to work on actual projects, just like the full timers.

What I wish was different

Out of everything, I wish that interns were given more opportunity to work on implementation projects. Much of the work that interns were given involved fixing bugs in code written by other people. I love programming when it's the way to solve a new problem, but fixing bugs day in and day out can be grueling.


HealthTrio is incredibly social. If you're not old enough to drink, I would recommend still going out to happy hour and getting to know everyone. Since it's a small company, you will see the CEO on a regular basis, and if you're in with management, you're golden. Besides that, make sure that you actually get work done. With such a relaxed culture, it can be tempting to sit back and do the minimum. That being said, if you're driven, there is plenty of opportunity to work on bigger and better projects.
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Software Engineer Intern

November 2016 • Tucson, AZ

What I liked

It was a very relaxed environment where you were allowed to learn and work at your own pace while still being pushed to be the best you could be.

What I wish was different



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