HealthTrio LLC

About HealthTrio LLC

HealthTrio provides digital engagement solutions that optimize self-service, value-based care, healthcare consumerism and real-time data integration. Our selection of tools is as broad as the markets we serve – from everyday tools such as eligibility, benefits and claims to advanced features supporting provider quality performance, cost transparency and automated authorizations. With in-depth security capabilities, HealthTrio’s Smart Series platform extends beyond the traditional member, provider, employer and broker access to include guests, caregivers, community-based organizations and a variety of other user types. For over twenty years, HealthTrio has supported health plans, administrators and integrated delivery networks to decrease costs, increase access, and improve health outcomes.


Software Engineering Intern

May 2017 - November 2017 Tucson, AZ
“The full time employees were incredibly helpful. Though I came in with very little Java experience, learning was a quick and painless process thanks to the approachability of the full time engineers. Additionally, there was quite a bit of transparency. As an employee at HealthTrio, you always know where you stand with management. Not to mention the fact that you have the opportunity to work on actual projects, just like the full timers.”

Software Engineer Intern

November 2016 Tucson, AZ
“It was a very relaxed environment where you were allowed to learn and work at your own pace while still being pushed to be the best you could be.”
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