The Family Center is a ministry of our church, Fountain of Life Covenant in Long Beach. Our church's mission is to be "in the city, for the good of the city." FOL is a multi-ethnic, socio-economically diverse church serving the West Side of Long Beach.
The mission of the Family Center is to share the gospel of Christ with our neighbors through practically meeting the needs of the community with assets that are already in the community. We who live and worship in this neighborhood desire to continue to use our gifts for the good of our community.
We work to support local families by fostering a love of learning in students to help them reach their full potential. We seek to bridge the gap between community needs and local resources so that families can have what they need to thrive.
The Family Center offers English Language Learning classes for adults, Art & Bible classes for elementary-aged students, and occasional health care clinics. In addition to these programs, we also offer after-school tutoring for K-12th grade students. We place an emphasis on homework help and strengthening the academic areas where our students are weakest. Currently, we have 70 regularly attending students in our after-school tutoring program.