
About cooledtured

cooledtured is an anime, vidoe game, TV movie or anything pop culture related action figure collectible store.


Content Creator

March 2024 - July 2024 Irvington, NJ
“In my role I would write articles on topics that I was passionate about and create promos in order to attract readers. Through my experience here I gained a better understanding of how to write to keep my audience engaged as well as how to attract an audience. As a game designer these skills will serve me well in creating games that players will get lost in.”

E-commerce Intern

January 2024 - April 2024 Riverside, CA
“The internship at cooledtured is very personalized to each individual. During my interview, I was offered a separate role based on my concentration in school, which helped me develop new skills. The culture of the company is incredibly welcoming and kind; I always felt comfortable to voice my opinions and ask questions. Also, I truly appreciate my supervisor and the leads for pushing me to become more creative with my videos!”
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