Code Coast Consulting DBA Code Ninjas

About Code Coast Consulting DBA Code Ninjas

Code Ninjas is the nation’s fastest growing kids coding franchise. In our center, kids ages 7-14 learn to code in a fun, non-intimidating way – by playing and building video games they love. Kids have a blast and can’t wait to come back. Parents are thrilled as their children gain confidence and new skills including coding, math, logic, and problem-solving, as they progress from white to black belt. Our core promise is, Kids have fun, parents see results. We believe in these words so much that it’s written on the walls in our center.
Code Coast Consulting is a provider of Product Management, IT training, and strategic professional services. A key component to deliver these services is through Code Ninjas franchises. We create, optimize, design, and develop experiences that improve value and customer satisfaction.


Code Sensei

April 2021 Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
“Awesome management team willing to listen to any and all feedback employees have. Flexible work hours allow me to enjoy my school time separate from my work time. ”
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