We clean. We chop, cook, season.
We make friends of our customers. We clean some more.
It sounds simple, but what we’re doing is something beautiful and new.
We’re changing the world. OK, OK, today our world is limited to Boston, but we’re ambitious, we hope to make Clover bigger than McDonald’s someday. We are serving some of the best food in the country at prices everybody can afford.
Most of what we make is eaten within 3-6 hours of having been cut, often within 48 hours of having been harvested. And that means our food tastes better. We source from local farmers to an unbelievable level, far more than anybody in our industry. And that keeps dollars in our community. We treat our food with respect, much of it is organic, we use no chemicals to flavor or “enhance” our food, no preservatives, minimal added fat and sugar and salt, no freezers. And that means our food improves the health of our customers. We’re obsessed with our food, can you tell?
We want food to taste the way it should. You have no idea how great a carrot can taste. If you get the right carrot and it’s handled properly it’s just incredible. Or coffee. If you get the right coffee brewed the right way it can be delicious black, balanced, sweet, bitter, maybe nutty or fruity.
We’re hoping you’re here because you love food too, and because you want to be part of something important, and you like hard work. Clover is growing quickly, and we’re constantly hiring. And we’re constantly promoting. We already have some of the best employees in the business and we’re determined to find the rest.
Looking forward to meeting you!