Clark County Transit

About Clark County Transit

C-TRAN is a local government formed in 1981 to provide public transit service for Clark County. C-TRAN is recognized as one of the leading transit agencies in the country because we provide cost-effective, safe, accessible, convenient, innovative, reliable public transportation moving people within Clark County and throughout the southwest Washington/Portland region.
C-TRAN empowers citizens by providing mobility options that connects them with places of employment, education, health care, shopping, entertainment, recreation, social and religious functions.


IT and Project Management Intern

February 2019 - August 2019 Vancouver, WA
“I really enjoyed the amazing quality of interest that employees at the establishment put into their duties, and the amalgamation of diversity that was apparent throughout the departments. IT in particular provided whatever resource was needed to help further the success of projects and employee work lives (even to interns).”
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