City of Belmont

About City of Belmont

Belmont is a general law city with a full time staff of approximately 130. The five‐member City Council appoints the City Manager and the City Attorney; and the City Clerk and City Treasurer are elected.
The city departments include Public Works, Community Development (including Economic
Development and Planning), Police, Parks and Recreation, Finance, Information Technology, Human Resources, City Manager, and City Attorney .


Human Resources Intern

June 2017 - September 2017 Belmont, CA
“My supervisor made this internship the best experience I could ever ask for in a first internship. I liked how she gave me important responsibilities instead of having me do work that no one else wants to do (filing, making copies, coffee runs). I also liked how my supervisor asked for my input in a lot of important discussions revolving around human resources. She made me feel valued by asking what I wanted to get out of this internship at the start of it. ”
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