What I liked
Firstly, the team. The camaraderie and team at Brag House is absolutely brilliant--from my managers, to my fellow interns, all the way up to CEO Lavell, they're all passionate, hardworking individuals who want not only the best from you, but the best for you. They're always there when you need them for advice, mentor-ship, or even just a friendly chat on a weekend evening. The hours are flexible-- it's a deadline-oriented scheduling system, so as long as you're able to finish all your work on time, its open as to when you work on it. The work is challenging, but rewarding, and definitely promotes learning new skills! I can recount times where I was asked to do things that I didn't necessarily have experience with or even now how to do, and without fail my teammates were always there to lend a hand and point me to the right resources to help me efficiently develop those skills to a professional standard.