Bolthouse Productions

About Bolthouse Productions

Bolthouse Productions is the parent company of The Bungalow Santa Monica, Bungalow Huntington Beach, and Neon Carnival.


Stacker Operator

May 2019 - August 2019 Bakersfield, CA
“It reminded me & motivated me as to why I should keep going to school to focus on my future. If I continued to work at Bolt House it would have been an unsatisfying life. My parents did not come here to America for me to work an intense labor job such as Bolt House. Every morning I would question myself as to what I was doing there but I had to remind my self that I wanted to experience it for the motivation. As crazy as it sounds I was interested in viewing the full time employees who are much older and have families to provide for. They have to work there day in & day out in order to put food on table. I wanted to see it because I knew deep down inside they hated it as much as I hated going every day. The woman who were mothers would even tell me that I looked way to young to be working there & they felt sorry because they knew it brought a ton of back pain & sweat to our bodies. They had smiles when I told them that I will only be there for the summer because I will be returning to CSUB. I liked it because of the life lessons I learned if I don’t get my life together then those are the only jobs that will be available for someone like me. ”
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