
Technical Aid

May - August 2019 • Woodbury, MN

What I liked

friendly faculty and lots of learning opportunities.

What I wish was different



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Labratory Technical Aid

March - September 2021 • Maplewood, MN

What I liked

I was able to get hands-on experience in an industrial business lab that supplied masks all over the world. I also got to work under one of the main researchers there and aid him in his research and lab work.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have been able to work with more researchers and other technical aids while I was there, as I mostly stayed in my respective lab and usually only communicated with my assigned researcher supervisor.


Keep notes of what and how you did things at the job, I kept a somewhat daily diary and would record tasks that I did and how I performed those tasks. So when it came to putting the experience on my resume I was able to look back on what I did and easily explain what my job entailed.
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Packaging Solutions Co-op Intern

June - November 2022 • Woodbury, MN

What I liked

It was a wonderful opportunity to learn! It was great to learn about a variety of different kinds of packaging, from consumer-facing packaging to packaging for dangerous goods.

What I wish was different


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IT Intern

May - August 2021 • Maplewood, MN

What I liked

I liked the diverse work environment and culture

What I wish was different

I did my internship remotely and I wish it had been on-site to meet my coworkers in person.


It was a great learning experience.
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IT Intern

May - August 2021 • Champaign, IL

What I liked

- Remote work - Good WLB - Could network and learn a lot about 3M - No leetcode style questions in interview process

What I wish was different

- Only about 50% of interns got return offers, although they want to make it higher in the future - Not as much coding as I would have liked


This internship was a positive experience overall, but if you are hoping to do more technical work, you should look into 3M's R&D department instead
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Quality Student Engineer

January 2021 • Columbia, MO

What I liked

I learned a lot, networked, and added a good experience to my resume.

What I wish was different

I've learned I don't want to work in Quality.


Ask lots of questions.
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Sales Intern

June - August 2021 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

What I liked about this Internship at 3M was the experience I got to take away from it. I learned not only how to do field sales, but inside sales, marketing, and more. I was able to takeaway more than I expected. Truly I believe this internship set me up for success as my manager made me really take initiative in order to succeed.

What I wish was different

It was mainly virtual, although I did get to travel to a couple different states. I wish that I would have been able to get the full experience by moving away for the 12 weeks like most Frontline Field Sales Interns do.


Take the initiative and run with it. I honestly felt super lost the first 3-4 weeks and after that everything just fell into place. Ask questions because that is the only way you will get clarity.
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Data Science Intern

June - August 2021 • Saint Paul, MN

What I liked

The collaborative work environment was excellent, and I was really able to take creative and technical responsibility in my own hands. My mentors and coworkers were very supportive and helpful in connecting me with training resources.

What I wish was different

I wish I was working in person, rather than virtually - I found bonding over Microsoft Teams challenging.


Set expectations for yourself daily on what you want to accomplish, and hold yourself accountable for your explorations! This will really help break up large tasks into accomplishable steps.
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Infrastructure Automation Intern

May - August 2019 • Saint Paul, MN

What I liked

I loved that they allow you to connect with other interns and get to know the company through workshops throughout the program. Also the managers being flexible with your schedule and their awareness of what the general internship program has planned for you.

What I wish was different

I wish I took advantage of everything that the program had to offer.


Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. It is a big company but everyone is there to help and would love to have you back.
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Customer Service Representative

November 2019 • Monrovia, CA

What I liked

I like that it’s interesting work with customers worldwide

What I wish was different

I wish I was offered a position that provided medical benefits with 401k plan and possibility to apply for tuition reimbursement options.


Be open minded and willing to do whatever is needed in your department.
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Warehouse Manager Intern

May - August 2019 • Valley, NE

What I liked

Everyone was very friendly and welcoming. I never had an issue trying to get help if I needed it.

What I wish was different

I wish my hours had been a little better. I worked 4pm-midnight.


Don’t be afraid to reach out and network to different people in different departments.
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Analytical Chemist Intern

May - September 2019 • Minneapolis, MN

What I liked

Good work environment

What I wish was different

More flexible hours


Think ahead, a foot in the door is worth 3 -5 credits
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Materials Handler

May - August 2019 • Hutchinson, MN

What I liked

The work was not too challenging. I had to keep an eye on safety at all times, however the work flow was generally pretty relaxed.

What I wish was different

The job required switching from a day shift, 7am to 3pm, to an evening shift, 3pm to 11pm, every other week. I preferred the day shift as then I didn't miss out on activities with friends and family in the evenings.


You simply move things around within the plant which became very monotonous very quickly. Just prepare yourself mentally as this will be your full time job for the time being.
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Marketing Administrator

May - August 2019 • Saint Paul, MN

What I liked

I enjoyed my role at 3M. I learned a lot regarding marketing and economic research. I worked to develop a Strategic Marketing Plan for Emerging IOT (Internet of Things), which was a very fun and educational experience. I enjoyed having healthy work-life balance, and that my work was enjoyable. This summer served as a very educational and enriching experience, where I was able to fine tune not only my skill set in which I study here at Syracuse University, but also to strengthen my network and professional skills.

What I wish was different

I wish that, going into the role, we would have known more statistics on the percentage of interns hired per division, per intern role (sales vs. marketing vs. analytics) as well as the Graduation year of the interns hired. I wish that I knew this beforehand, as many of the other interns who had already graduated received offers at the end of the internship, whereas the interns (such as myself) who have yet to graduate received proportionally less offers. Too, many more sales interns were hired to be full time upon graduation/end of internship, where marketing interns were not. However, the hiring process of a company like 3M really depends on the internal health of the business, which I understand.


Make the most of your experience! Be ready to learn on your feet. You also never know where your work may go, or who you may come across. A VP of one of 3M's divisions reached out to meet me personally due to the quality of my individual work, which one of my superiors shared with others. Be prepared to apply your learning, but be very ready to learn more!
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Digital Marketing Intern

May - August 2019 • Minneapolis, MN

What I liked

I loved the company. The people there were very supportive and willing to help in any way they could. Everyone, from interns all the way to the CEO, were willing to meet with me and talk. They treated me like a real employee, allowing me to sit in on meetings and giving me real things to work on.

What I wish was different


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O2 Supply Chain Intern

May - August 2019 • Decatur, AL

What I liked

My favorite part was that the projects I worked on made an impact, and I could see the difference my work was making in the plant. I learned so much about supply chain operations and the challenges that manufacturing plants face. The company culture at 3M is also very supportive of interns!

What I wish was different

I wish there was more time for training and networking with the other interns at 3M headquarters in St. Paul, MN.


Don't be afraid to speak up! You are there to make a difference, so don't be afraid to ask questions and propose new ideas.
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Research and Development Intern

May - August 2019 • Minneapolis, MN

What I liked

I like the opportunity to be in a completely new city, surrounded by completely new people, while doing a job that was completely new to me. This summer forced me to grow because I was constantly being pushed out of my comfort zone. I learned more than I thought was possible in just 12 weeks.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have interacted more with other interns in the program. I was very close to my coworkers that worked in the same department. With such a large company, interns were scattered throughout the company and there weren't many opportunities to collaborate. I wish I had taken more initiative to interact to interns in completely different areas.


While summer internships are about building a connection, gaining experience, and setting up your future, we young, aspiring professionals need to also have fun. I chose an internship that was so foreign to me, not because I knew I would succeed, but because I knew that I would learn and hopefully enjoy myself along the way. I do not think that opportunities to travel to new and different places for a few weeks, while being paid are going to come by frequently in my line of work, so I am so glad that I took advantage this summer.
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Full-Stack Software Engineer

May - August 2019 • Taylorsville, UT

What I liked

I was able to experience the entire life cycle of a web application, and had that as my internship project. It has become a highlight in my resume and something I can always point to during interviews.

What I wish was different


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Stockroom Intern

May - August 2019 • Alexandria, MN

What I liked

What I wish was different


Be prepared for anything. Don't assume that you will only be doing a certain task because those who are willing to step out of the box have a better experience.
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Marketing Intern

May - August 2019 • Maplewood, MN

What I liked

I really enjoyed getting to know all of the other interns and 3Mers and build my professional network. There were so many opportunities to connect with other employees regardless of my position as an intern in the Automotive and Aerospace Division. This allowed me to learn more about the company from various perspectives and learn about other positions within 3M.

What I wish was different

I wish I had 1 or 2 extended projects to work on throughout the entire summer. I was given 8 smaller projects that had a great deal of impact within my division, but I was not able to focus on one larger area and do a deep dive into any market research. However, many of my peers were able to do this in their internship positions in another division.


Don't be afraid to ask senior leadership for advice! Lean on the more experienced employees around you - they are more than willing to help guide you in the right direction, and have so much knowledge to provide!
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