X Gym

What should I know to ensure that I'm ready to take on an interview at X Gym for a personal trainer position?

No need for professional wear or to bring a resume with, but appear put together, energetic, and enthusiastic. I recommend having an idea of what hours you are hoping/willing to work and some open ended questions prepared. Some good questions would be: "How does this type of training differ from ...
Interview Personal Trainer Gym X Gym
1 answer

I'd like to get an insider's perspective on the daily life of a personal trainer at X Gym!

Shifts are scheduled such that you work your full shift (4-8 hours) whether or not you have clients. This is nice because you can count on a consistent paycheck, but not so nice because you're paid minimally.1) opening duties/cleaning tasks2) reviewing schedule and client charts for the day3) tra...
Day in the Life Personal Trainer Gym X Gym
1 answer