Westminster University

Independent Researcher

June - July 2019 • New Wilmington, PA

What I liked

My research gave me independent lab experience and made me more comfortable working in a laboratory in general. I also gained experience working with S. aureus, which I plan to continue working with for my capstone

What I wish was different

I wish I'd had more time towards the end of my experience to further familiarize myself with molecular mechanisms, as these are what my capstone will be more geared towards. However, the general experience with the bacteria will still prove useful.


Use your on-campus resources! This was a donor funded research experience that the biology department provide every summer, along with other on-campus research opportunities.
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Executive Intern for Diversity Recruitment

May 2019 • New Wilmington, PA

What I liked

The communication skills I learned to have with different age groups while still being in a professional environment.

What I wish was different


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Summer Research Intern

May - August 2019 • Salt Lake City, UT

What I liked

While conducting research in computational mathematics and computer science this past summer, I really liked how independent I had to be. It taught me lots of valuable skills for conducting future research in a graduate school or professional setting. I also liked that this program taught me how to properly convey my research to others in a variety of situations; from a small chat in an elevator to a formal presentation.

What I wish was different


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May - August 2018 • Salt Lake City, UT

What I liked

I greatly enjoyed the experience of guiding my own work throughout the research. While professors were present to guide, I still felt very much "on my own" in a good sense - independent and self-reliant.

What I wish was different

I wish that before taking on two research projects I had checked in with myself and considered whether or not taking on two projects was something I should be doing after a full academic year, following May Term, and before another academic year. Perhaps if I had taken on only one project my summer would have felt more like a summer.


I think that students considering extra work during the summer should carefully listen to themselves and see if they can/should take on the additional work and responsibility which might necessitate them not taking the time off from school, which is necessary for some people to destress.
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