We Care Insurance

Digital Marketing Intern

May - July 2020 • Omaha, NE

What I liked

Nothing the whole internship was boring editing videos.

What I wish was different

Do actual marketing stuff than just edit videos for there YouTube channel


Don't do the internship for this company its a WASTE of time
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September - December 2020 • Omaha, NE

What I liked

Working in a team, working from home, working my own hours

What I wish was different



Apply anyway. Even if you do not have experience. Even if its unpaid. It will pay off in the future. Chris was amazing and explained all the processes of creating a email and web blog! I enjoyed working with him.
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Social Media Manager Intern

July - September 2021 • Omaha, NE

What I liked

They are so kind and caring for their employees and they try their best to meet their needs.

What I wish was different


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Web Developer

August 2020 • Omaha, NE

What I liked

It was remote which made it very flexible.

What I wish was different

I wish things had been a little more organized so it would be easier to get started on the project. There was a lot of confusion at first that was difficult to clear up due to the remote nature of the position.


Communicate clearly and effectively to gain the most from this opportunity.
1 One person found this helpful