Wayne Homes

About Wayne Homes

Like most companies, Wayne Homes has a list of values that we strive to live up to but ultimately, boil down to a single idea: do right by everyone. In other words, we want to give customers not just a great home but a great buying experience. And we very much want to give employees not just a job that pays well but a career that promotes wellness.

At Wayne Homes, we’re always looking to improve our career and compensation program. And within our list of benefits, we provide unique opportunities to grow your income, advance your career and enhance your personal well-being.

For example, in addition to medical insurance, your benefits will include AccelWell, giving you access to health coaches, personalized meals, and workout plans. We’ll give you RAK Days (a.k.a. Random Acts of Kindness Days), when you can knock off work and volunteer for the community cause of your choice. We’ll actively promote your career growth with tuition assistance and opportunities for advancement as well as 401k, paid holidays, generous paid time off and more. We love to party so expect quarterly and annual company celebrations. And when you’re ready to build a Wayne home of your own, you’ll get a very nice employee discount.


Field Manager Intern

June 2019 - August 2019 Ravenna, OH
“To learn the processes that I studied in my courses.”
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