VirtuSense Technologies

Media Intern

June 2018 • Peoria, IL

What I liked

Every member of the VirtuSense team is a vital part of the company. Since it is still a relatively small startup, VirtuSense Technologies challenges every single employee to work hard and innovate solutions to problems in the system. Even as a media intern, I had the opportunity to work in marketing, customer support, and product development in addition to my media tasks, which helped me to better understand the company as a whole. As a result, I am now better prepared to help VST move forward toward their goals and to be a better employee once I leave VirtuSense Technologies.

What I wish was different

The team was not adequately prepared to provide equipment or space for more than eight full-time employees. Due to this, I was given a slow laptop which was sometimes incapable of handling some of the tasks I was assigned. I also did not have my own desk; rather, I used a small table as my workspace. I wish I had the full-powered laptop assigned to other employees and that I had been able to use a real desk.


Work hard and show your employer that you are a capable worker. This means you should always be looking for potential improvements, asking questions, doing extra work, and doing the tasks you are assigned at a level above and beyond the expectations. This is invaluable in a startup, as there is often some improvement to be made. Being able to see the problems and having a solution ready to present to your employer makes you a better employee and an asset to the company.
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