Utah State University Human Resources

College Horizons Mentor

May - July 2017 • Blanding, UT

What I liked

I loved having the responsibility to work with the college and making sure that my students were getting all of their needed paperwork done and passing their classes. I was able to conduct a couple tutoring sessions and I knew that the education field was definitely going to be my field of practice.

What I wish was different

I wish the program was more organized. We worked 24/7 because a lot of paperwork and applications that should have been done prior to being accepted to the program wasn’t done yet. We were helping students apply for different scholarships to cover the program and if they didn’t get it they were sent home with a remaining balance.


If anything, as a college student this helped me realize the importance of educating the younger generation of the college admittance process. This program was such an eye opener for the incoming freshman because they didn’t know what college actually entailed. It was also an eye opener for me as a mentor because I saw how much high school students aren’t given any guidance and how little they actually know about college which is one of the huge reasons why students fail or drop out of college their first semester/year.
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Plant Disease Research Intern

May 2020 • Logan, UT

What I liked

I was able to participate in research experiments both in the lab and in the field

What I wish was different


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Water Quality Extension Intern

May 2020 • Logan, UT

What I liked

I loved being able to learn and work at the same time. I also loved working with incredible women who all were just as enthusiastic about water quality as me. It was also wonderful to meet volunteers from across the state and work with kids and educators as well. I was constantly encouraged to learn more and try new things.

What I wish was different

I wish I could've worked more hours.


Give this position your all! This team of incredible people are working their hardest to make a difference for the Water Quality of Utah, so bring a positive and creative attitude to grow and develop.
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Desk Attendant

August 2020 • Logan, UT

What I liked

I loved my coworkers and the team

What I wish was different

Customer service is sometimes hard.


Get to know your coworkers!
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Landscape tech

June - August 2018 • Logan, UT

What I liked

Fun people to work with, and good experience

What I wish was different

Asked more questions


Be outgoing, volunteer for tasks
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Lab assistant intern

May - August 2020 • Logan, UT

What I liked

Hands on research, lots of variety, dedicated people to work with

What I wish was different

I had spent more time in the lab


Go over research papers with those around you. They can be helpful in understanding difficult concepts.
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Contact Tracer

September 2020 • Logan, UT

What I liked

Flexible hours, great team and organized workflow.

What I wish was different

More robust training program


Be sure to be able to communicate well as this is a work-from-home job
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May 2020 • Logan, UT

What I liked

Easy going job atmosphere.

What I wish was different

Better pay.


Bring something to listen to.
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Timpanogos Cave National Monument Intern

May - August 2020 • American Fork, UT

What I liked

I was able to get firsthand experience and see what it is like working at each division for the National Park Service. My well-rounded experience in the maintenance, science and resource management, and interpretation divisions refined my skills and goals. I even got experience working with the superintendent of the park. I got insight into the federal hiring process and my supervisor helped me develop a federal resume to be able to apply for jobs with NPS and other agencies in the future. Everyone I worked with at Timpanogos Cave National Monument was supportive, friendly, and wanted to help me learn.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time to learn about the park!


Apply for this internship! Put yourself out there at career fairs, talk to employers, learn about different places. Ask questions, learn all that you can, remember everyone there wants to help you and give you advice.
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Hydroponics Intern

January - March 2020 • Kaysville, UT

What I liked

I liked learning about how to engineer hydroponic systems. I also loved learning how to plant and harvest hydroponic produce. I was trusted with a task and was given time to complete the task.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have interned longer. I wish there was more science involved in the internship.


It involves a lot of doing. You'll engineer systems, harvest produce, and conduct tests on the hydroponics water.
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Web Developer

May 2020 • Logan, UT

What I liked

It is providing me great experience, and has been a really good environment to work with during the pandemic(we are working remotely, and my supervisor has been really helpful with that). I feel like I am learning a lot, but that I was well prepared for the job.

What I wish was different



I was surprised with how much I did know, and how much I could learn from looking at other people's code when working on my own tasks.
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

August 2019 - June 2020 • Logan, UT

What I liked

I loved the team I worked with, they were all supportive and innovative. I also loved being able to come in and solve real world problems every day.

What I wish was different

I wish COVID hadn't ruined the end of the semester. Working from home was a lot more difficult.


Come in with an open mind, ready to learn!
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Peer Advisor

October 2018 • Logan, UT

What I liked

Lots of flexibility, ability to work from home, self directed and motivated, lots of alone time

What I wish was different

I missed seeing people!


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Prep Chef

August 2016 - September 2020 • Logan, UT

What I liked

Love the work, love the people.

What I wish was different

We needed work. There was nothing to do all summer.


You have to learn how to work and pace out your tasks. You can't take 4 things on at once just because it's "only food"
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Health Assistant

October 2019 - August 2020 • Salt Lake City, UT

What I liked

I liked the team I worked with and the flexibly of my schedule between home, work, and school.

What I wish was different

The training for this position kind of went along as new projects came up, and I did not get a thorough training at the start of my job, that covered a lot of material.


I realized the importance of networking as well as research and studying articles and how important they are in almost every job you will have!
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Neuroscience Research Assistant

May - August 2020 • Logan, UT

What I liked

I was able to do personal research on the medial prefrontal cortex, of which I had known little before.

What I wish was different

I would have loved to be involved in other aspects of the project, and it helped foster my desire to do my own research projects.


Get involved as early as possible!
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Marketing Intern

June - October 2020 • Logan, UT

What I liked

Working with the people on the team Where everyone collaborated with each other.

What I wish was different

More hours to work


Try it. It’s really exciting to help businesses that are struggling due COVID 19
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Digital Assistant

June 2019 • Logan, UT

What I liked

I have absolutely loved my job at the library as a Digital Assistant. It has provided me with unique experiences, related to my field of study, that I could not get anywhere else on campus or anywhere else in Logan. I recommend work in the library for anyone who may be interested.

What I wish was different

I would not change much about my experience with the library. I only wish I had looked for employment in the library sooner.


Definitely reach out to professors and let them know what you are interested in. They are willing to help all along the way and are great resources for recommendations, etc. I would not be in my current position without the recommendation of a professor and them knowing my interests and goals.
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CRSIPR Assay R&D Intern

May - August 2019 • Logan, UT

What I liked

I was able to gain hands on experience in research and design using one of the most revolutionary genetic engineering technologies available: CRISPR/cas9. I learned many microbiological and plasmid recombineering techniques. In addition, my team and I used this research as an educational outreach tool for underprivileged 8th graders from all over Utah.

What I wish was different


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Undergraduate Research Assistant

May 2019 • Logan, UT

What I liked

I enjoyed the flexibility of the hours and being involved in experiments and projects that I found interesting. It was a positive environment and I felt supported in the work that I was doing.

What I wish was different


For other students who are looking for a research internship or other job experience in the field, definitely reach out to professors and the heads of labs. I found my current job by sending out several emails and making personal contact when asking after potential opportunities.
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