Urban Initiatives Group

Assistant Project Manager

May - September 2024 • Schenectady, NY

What I liked

I really enjoyed being immersed in a business that I have genuine interest in. John trained me how to think like a property/project manager and I will be able to use the skills that i've learned for the rest of my professional life. This internship has provided me with a lot of insight into the real estate development business and overall has been a career changing experience for me. I cannot thank John and his team at UIG enough for welcoming me into their business and teaching me how to manage a real estate business.

What I wish was different

The obvious answer is I wish I was getting paid in this position because it is a lot of work. The good news is as long as your internship goes well John is likely to offer you a part time paid position working at his company. This is an amazing opportunity as a college student or as someone who has recently graduated college.


I would advise anyone looking to apply for this position to be prepared to work in a busy environment and be willing to put in effort every day that you go in to work.
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Property Management Intern

June - October 2023 • Schenectady, NY

What I liked

Liked being introduced to the real estate industry and learned all the aspects of the small company

What I wish was different

Being rewarded based on the tasks completed could be beneficial even if it is not a hour to hour salary to give some sort of goal to strive for.


You are able to control your hours so being able to find another job and making sure you are able to balance them will allow you to get the full experience as well as make some money.
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December 2020 - October 2022 • Schenectady, NY

What I liked

I started at Urban Initiatives Group (UIG) out of pure luck. I was a college freshman looking at internship postings during a school break and decided to apply. I spent that short break there, developing an education in community development, and a rapport with the owner John Samatulski as my education came from him, first hand. Over a year later I was debating on dropping out of school, as I was uninterested in the work I had done over my two years at the institution, and begin my life in the business world. I thought to call John and see what he thought. After a long discussion I decided to transfer to a new school where I would have an education that was more aligned with what I wanted to learn and start my internship back up at UIG to learn more about the business of community development. After finishing a 6 month stint as an internship I was promoted to a paid position as a Project Manager and have been there ever since. I have learned, and continue to learn, new skills in disciplines including construction, management, historical development, marketing, and real estate, and I owe it all to my time at UIG. I now own my own development company and recently bought and manage my first of hopefully many properties. I would recommend an internship at UIG to anyone interested in a tailored education in any facet of the community development business.

What I wish was different


Inform John of your different interests and non-interests as he is very willing to adapt your internship into an experience that will fulfil your educational desires.
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