University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center

About University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center

The University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center (UNDERC) provides world-class destinations for environmental research, unsurpassed undergraduate education programs, and innovative graduate student training. UNDERC locations are unique pristine areas with exceptional facilities that permit descriptive studies and manipulative experiments. We strive to enhance our understanding of natural and human-altered environments that translate into better management and policy for the environment.


Research assistant

May 2022 - August 2022 Land O'Lakes, WI
“Supervisor was great, coworkers/students were awesome! I liked working in groups. I liked working as a data recorder.”

UNDERC East Student

May 2018 - July 2018 Land O' Lakes, WI
“I loved how this experience provided a class portion as well as an opportunity for an independent research project. Ten weeks flew by spending time with a diverse group of students interested in environmental science. This was great after my second year of school getting more experience in my future field and giving me new knowledge I could apply in later classes. A lot of great history exists on Notre Dame's property, and the Northwoods is a beautiful place to be during the summer. ”
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