University of Illinois at Chicago - UI Health - Mile Square Health Centers

About University of Illinois at Chicago - UI Health - Mile Square Health Centers

The mission of Mile Square Health Center is to provide holistic, quality health services in the midst of an underserved, urban community. The concept of holistic services includes not only actions to restore health, but also to prevent disease, promote healthy life styles and provide personalized support to individuals and families. Community education, outreach, advocacy and caring involvement are important attributes of our mission. To achieve these goals, we acknowledge that our practice arena extends well beyond a "building" and into the heart of the community.

We acknowledge our responsibility to treat all we serve with dignity and respect regardless of worldly status, race, ethnicity or individuality. We further acknowledge our obligation to care in a manner that is free of racial or cultural bias and accepting of differences among and within culture.

We believe that in unity there is strength. Therefore, our mission directs us to engage in a dynamic, empowering relationship with the community. This partnership requires a commitment to collaboration, personal involvement and professionalism.

We accept this responsibility to actively participate as a center for mentoring health professionals, young citizens and our colleagues. As a team, we believe that each of our members must act as both a leader and a follower in executing this mission.

Finally, we have accepted the challenge to excel in this endeavor. We recognize that to do so requires commitment to excellence, flexibility in mind and spirit, and clarify in communication.



January 2020 Chicago, IL
“I like that I was able to help the healthcare staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. I was able to help out with handing out scrubs to the staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, helped with the line for COVID antibody testing and putting labels on requisitions or to shake tubes as needed with the phlebotomists. As a public health student, I saw how a health facility made their guidelines and how they were implemented. ”
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