University of Delaware

Undergraduate Researcher

June - August 2022 • Newark, DE

What I liked

I loved being able to take on an independent project!

What I wish was different

Having more group activities with other students in the summer scholars research program.


be organized, take your time!
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IT Consultant

June 2021 • Newark, DE

What I liked

Being able to help people of all ages issues they are having with technology. Utilizing technology and troubleshooting skills I have learned overtime.

What I wish was different

Nothing, very happy and satisfied.


Being open to going out of your comfort zone. It is ok to not get it at first, and make mistakes. Ask questions if you have them.
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Research Assistant

October 2019 - March 2020 • Newark, DE

What I liked

I enjoyed getting to conduct the research and work with other students

What I wish was different


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Summer Scholar

June - July 2021 • Newark, DE

What I liked

I love the flexibility work schedule of the research position with my mentor (a professor at UD). Additionally, the freedom I had to choose what topic to research

What I wish was different

I wish the program lasted until August, two months of research is not very much


Reach out to a professor and apply!
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Undergraduate Researcher

June - August 2021 • Newark, DE

What I liked

I learned a plethora of new skills where I got to engage in a laboratory setting for 30 hours a week over the course of 10 weeks, quantifying mast cells via cryosectioning and toluidine blue staining, as well as producing a video and poster to present findings at the Delaware State Fair and the Undergraduate Research Symposium.

What I wish was different

I wish I had gotten to work more hands-on with the chickens since I am most interested in research at the tissue and organ level rather than that of the cellular level. However, I still took away so much from this experience.


Keep an open mind and don't write anything off because even if something is as out of your comfort zone as this was for me, you'll be surprised at how much you grow from just having the experience alone.
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Biology Research Intern

February 2021 • Newark, DE

What I liked

Helpful labmates

What I wish was different



Trying out research is a great way to see if it is a good career option.
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Research Assistant

June - August 2021 • Newark, DE

What I liked

I liked working with a professor that I had taken a few classes with. The work was remote and I was able to make my own schedule. I also enjoyed working with a research team comprised of my peers.

What I wish was different

I wish I could've worked on more surveys. I loved the work and really wanted to dive in and do more. Somedays I wished we could have been working in person, in an office setting. I got very easily distracted working remotely, at home.


Make a schedule for yourself. The work was completed on my own time and it requires you to have a lot of self-management and time-management skills. I also recommend talking to your research team, if you are struggling, chances are they are too or they can help you solve your problem.
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Summer Fellow Undergraduate Researcher

June 2021 • East Meadow, NY

What I liked

I liked being able to work at my own pace and occasionally meet to collaborate with my research team.

What I wish was different

Working remotely also came with some drawbacks such as lack of access to immediate supplies and assistance.


Map out your time and do not save everything for the last minute!
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University of Delaware NSF REU Intern

June 2020 • Lewes, DE

What I liked

Due to COVID, the whole program was remote but I really appreciated how the program coordinator scheduled relevant distance learning Zoom lectures which included topics in scientific communication, current research at the UD, science ethics, grad school admissions, technical writing, and data visualization.

What I wish was different

The in-person research projects were canceled due to COVID so unfortunately I was unable to visit the campus and attend the lectures in person.


Make connections with other students and the lecturers! The Marine Science field is very small and most people get jobs through mutual connections so try and connect with the other people in the program on a personal level.
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Undergraduate Researcher

May - August 2020 • Newark, DE

What I liked

I was able to work remotely amidst the pandemic.

What I wish was different

I wish I could continue funded research into the school year.


Communicate well with the professor you work under.
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Summer Scholar

May - August 2019 • Newark, DE

What I liked

I really enjoyed the research I was able to perform with my research advisor and how the hours were flexible as long as I got my work done. I also enjoyed learning R and obtaining my boating safety license, both of which were useful for my field of marine biology research.

What I wish was different

I wish the internship had been longer or had a larger stipend.


I would suggest to summer scholar's students to read relevant literature every day and to download a reference collecting software such as zotero.
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Biology Research Intern

June 2019 • Newark, DE

What I liked

I loved getting hands on research experience and working with an amazing advisor.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been able to meet more students and professors doing research.


It doesn't have to end in the summer! Ask the professor you're working with if you can stay in the lab during the school year and into the winter possibly.
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Enrollment Services Specialist

June 2019 • Newark, DE

What I liked

If you’re looking for an on-campus job, this is a great option! Super accommodating to your schedule, and also you’ll learn a lot about how UD works.

What I wish was different


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Summer Camp Director

July - August 2019 • Newark, DE

What I liked

I loved working with kids and being able to create the curriculum that I taught the children.

What I wish was different


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