University of Colorado Denver

If you have experience as a computer lab statistic adviser at University of Colorado Denver, what did you like/dislike about the job?

I love the flexible schedule that allow me to go to my classes. My supervisor was also super nice ! The only thing I dislike was closing . I have to close the lab on certain day and it could be late before I can go home. But it is not too bad over all. The superior try to have everyone close the ...
Pros and Cons University of Colorado Denver Computer Lab Statistic Adviser
1 answer

For anyone with work experience at the University of Colorado Denver, care to share how it contributed to your professional growth?

It teaches me how to become a well rounded professional. I started off with a student worker job where it taught me about time management , customer service skills, computer lab operations , etc. I then moved on to a full time professional job where I can apply what I have learned in school to do...
Career Progression Education Professional Growth University of Colorado Denver
1 answer