Trinity Rehab

Physical Therapy Technician

April - August 2022 • Woodbridge, NJ

What I liked

I enjoyed getting hands on experience of working in the physical therapy field. It was satisfying to interact with patients on their treatment journey. I also really liked the facility itself; it was big with lots of different equipment and stations for the patients.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have sorted my hours better because I worked the whole day, which was from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. (With a lunch break in between of course!)


I would recommend reviewing your medical abbreviations because you will have to be able to read patients' flow charts and direct exercises. If you do not have any background with the terminology do not worry, the therapist and other techs will be happy to guide you during the on boarding process. Last but not least, be ready to stay on your feet and be physically present with all the patients!
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