
Operations Intern

June - August 2023 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

Great organizational culture with a drive to help new employees learn.

What I wish was different

I wish I was assigned to a team that was doing true operations work. The title of my role was inaccurate for what I was doing on a day-to-day basis.


Make the most out of the ability to network. Travelers is a huge company with many opportunities. Be open to meeting new people and learning from them.
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Fire Investigative Intern

June - August 2022 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

I loved the flexibility and freedom that my supervisors gave me. I was able to investigate twenty fire scenes during my 10-week stay. Any time I needed an office day to catch up on my fire scene summaries or extra time to study for certifications I was earning through Travelers, all I had to do was ask. The people in this company truly care about you and they feel more like friends and mentors than coworkers.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had more time for the internship. There was never a dull moment during my stay but I wish I would have had more time to learn and gain experiences.


Go into it with an open mind. I am from a very rural small town in Kentucky and I never thought that I would thrive in a big city like Hartford, CT. However, I grew to love it so much that I am planning to return for a full-time position once I graduate. Do not limit yourself to your hometown, it's a big world out there.
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Communications Intern

May - August 2022 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

I gained a lot of hands-on experience. They were super welcoming and allowed me to work on a bunch of different projects and try out different areas within communications. I had the opportunity to edit, design, and post, and write. I also was introduced to a bunch of other employees which allowed me to network and learn about different aspects of the industry.

What I wish was different


Make connections. The job was hybrid but I chose to go into the office most days which made my experience so much better. Through this I was able to connect with so many different employees who I still keep in touch with as mentors to help me in the future with connections they have with other employers.
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TLDP Intern

June - August 2021 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

NEtworking opportunities, and opportunities to shadow other full-time employees.

What I wish was different

I wish it could have been in person, I also wish I could have tried a different role.


Meet with as many different people as you can, and communicate with the managers every day.
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Software Engineer Intern

June - August 2021 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Great mentorship, nice people to work with.

What I wish was different

Slow peaceful move.


If you are looking forward to career growth in software engineer, then it's not the right place for you. But a good place for people wants to settle down. Nice WLB.
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Claims professional Intern

June - December 2018 • Saint Paul, MN

What I liked

Learning about the insurance business dealing with claims.

What I wish was different

I wish Travelers had a broader opportunities for more students wanting to learn and acquire more experience in a professional setting.


Try to learn as much as possible. Try to be inclusive and participate in the activities done at the company.
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Data Analyst Intern

November 2019 - February 2020 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

I loved the hands on experience that my position provided me. Being able to talk to so many different departments allowed me to get a better understanding of what I want to do with my life, while eliminating the departments I wasn't as interested in. As an intern, I sat shoulder to shoulder with everyday employees, while also having direct access to the CFO of the company as their office was 2 doors down from mine. Having the ability to also make connections across the globe helped to grasp how far my company's reach was. Having conference calls with people from every branch and department made me realize how powerful a well organized and executing group is. I would love to return as a full time employee.

What I wish was different

I wish that I hadn't been taking a full course load at the same time. Going to school while having an internship was brutal as I woke up at 4 a.m. every morning, was at Travelers by 6 a.m. and out by 3 p.m.. After a full days work, I'd then go to class at the UConn Hartford branch from 3:30 to 9:00 at night. I wish I had more time to focus on my internship rather than having to divide my attention.


I would highly suggest that people that are looking to get into finance and insurance make sure they have at least 2-3 years of college in their major under their belt. I had this wonderful internship opportunity in my Freshman year of college. I wasn't equipped with the knowledge necessary to make a memorable impact as an intern. I always wish that I had more schooling and command of the technology and information around me. Make sure you know enough to hold your own in a conversation with the highest levels of corporate, because if you do, I guarantee you will be favored in their eyes.
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Product Management Intern

June - August 2021 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

How welcoming everyone from the program was and the emphasis on getting to know each other.

What I wish was different

Unfortunately, it was remote, it would've been great to go into the office. However, it was still a very well developed program


Talk to as many people as you can during an internship. This is a great way to learn new perspectives and also makes your summer that much more exciting.
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claim intern

June - August 2021 • Hunt Valley, MD

What I liked

The company culture

What I wish was different

more responsibilities


do not be afraid to ask for more projects
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Finance Leadership Development Program Intern

June - August 2021 • Saint Paul, MN

What I liked

I enjoyed the company culture and my team.

What I wish was different

I wish it could have been in person.


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Claim Intern

June - August 2021 • Wyomissing, PA

What I liked

I liked the people and all the information that was given to me. I liked how it was hands on and we were able to ask questions when we didn’t understand something.

What I wish was different

I don’t think it’s something that could be done differently I think it’s just a little tweak to the summer internship we had to complete throughout our time there. We had a lot of downtime because of the courses we had to take because the courses said they would be longer than what they were but really they were 15-25 mins and that time was reserved for an hour. I think that’s just a minor thing that can be changed.


One piece of advice I would share would be to step out of your comfort zone and ask questions when they arise and don’t hold back. The people I worked with during the summer were super helpful and super nice and just all around role models to do better.
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Audit Intern

June - August 2019 • Saint Paul, MN

What I liked

A great company with an established intern program

What I wish was different


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Quality engineer

June - August 2021 • Saint Paul, MN

What I liked

This internship was full of learning opportunities and they really focus on making sure you learn and advance in your career. They take care of their interns and employees and invest in you.

What I wish was different

I don’t have any complaints.


I highly recommend paying attention and networking throughout an internship. The more people you talk with the better you will be.
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ALDP Intern

June - August 2020 • Saint Paul, MN

What I liked

The people were awesome! The company really treats its employees well and cares about your success. The work was meaningful, and my time as an intern was excellent!

What I wish was different

Unfortunately, I interned during COVID-19, so I did miss out on a lot of the experiences I could have had being in Saint Paul. I wouldn't change anything else, though!


Try your hardest, even if there's a chance you won't succeed. Trying new and creative solutions is encouraged at Travelers.
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Claim Corporate Audit

June - August 2020 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

What I wish was different


Make sure you ask a lot of questions and try to network/ be as efficient as possible.
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Business Insights & Analytics Intern

June - August 2020 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

- Engaging program - Real world projects - Collaborative community

What I wish was different

- Virtual internship, would've enjoyed in person experience


Try to step out of your comfort zone
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Insurance Underwriter Intern

June 2019 • Alpharetta, GA

What I liked

Structure of programs and opportunity to meet senior leaders. I also got sent on a trip to home office!

What I wish was different

More networking events


Take advantage of every opportunity to learn and make connections. Speak up when you want more work to do
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PMDP Intern

June - August 2020 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

I liked the culture of the company

What I wish was different

I wish it was an in person internship


Apply for internships early
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Accounting Intern

June - August 2020 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

I loved how they adapted with the unprecedented times and still created an informative yet fun internship

What I wish was different

I wish I could have actually traveled to Connecticut like I was supposed to and stayed in their included housing.


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TDS intern

June - August 2020 • Hartford, CT

What I liked

There team I was on and the people I interacted with were so kind and helpful - it was a really safe, fun environment.

What I wish was different

I had to do everything at home because of COVID-19, so there were a few missed opportunities but my team did their best to make up for it (which I think they totally did!)


Just apply! I totally didn’t think I’d be able to do the things I did, but with my mentor and some confidence, I learned and did so much!
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