Each year, America’s brave men and women in the Armed Forces leave behind devastated spouses, children, parents, siblings, friends, and co-workers. The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) is there to provide them with comfort and support. TAPS is the 24/7 front-line resource for all those grieving the death of a loved one who served America through the Armed Forces. TAPS provides help, hope, and healing through comprehensive services and programs that include peer-based emotional support, casework assistance, community-based care, survivor seminars, children’s camps, and a wide range of grief and trauma publications and resources. TAPS receives no government funding, and all services are free of charge to the surviving family members. Our survivors come to us during the darkest periods of their lives so we comfort them with immediate support including services such as our National Military Survivor Helpline which is answered by TAPS staff who are also survivors of a military loss. TAPS is also the hand to hold for our survivors when they are ready to set out on a grief journey to include hope and empowerment as they discover new lives without their hero physically but always treasured in their hearts. Then, when our survivors are ready, we stand alongside as they celebrate the life and service of their fallen hero to show that America will never forget their selfless service. We hope you will support our mission of providing comfort, hope, and healing for America's Families of the Fallen. For more information, please visit us at TAPS.org.