Town of Bedford

About Town of Bedford

Bedford is home to a substantial number of small businesses, research and development companies, and divisions of large corporations.

Town services for education, library, planning, code enforcement, public safety, voters, health, seniors, families, youths, streets, water, sewer, refuse, recycling, local transit, assessment and collections are carried out by departments responsible to elected Boards. The Bedford Town Services Telephone Directory is a guide to accessing the specific services. The activities, budgets and plans of all departments are found in the Bedford Annual Reports.

Bedford’s Select Board-Open Town Meeting form of government has been operative since 1729. Descriptions of elected and appointed offices, processes, regulations and codes are contained in detail in the Charter and General Bylaws. Elected officials, staff and many appointed citizen committees are vital in preparation, planning and delivery of town government services.

The Town abounds in historic sites and buildings, including the Old Burying Ground where Revolutionary War casualties and early settlers are interred. The town-owned Job Lane House has been restored as a living museum which is open to the public.

Many clubs and organizations exist in Bedford that serve the diverse interests of the townspeople. Most of these organizations and clubs promote their purposes on Bedford Day.



May 2019 - August 2019 Bedford, MA
“Steady hours and pay, good people”
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