The Touchstone Mission: Touchstone Health Services partners with youth and their families to provide evidence-based
services and support to help them acquire the skills to live productive and responsible lives.
The employees of Touchstone Health Services are unique and important assets of the Agency. Touchstones success and reputation depends upon them. And like any asset, the employees of Touchstone Health Services require care and attention to realize their capabilities and full potential.
We support our employees by providing a challenging, dynamic work experience in which excellence in achievement is promoted and recognized. Our employees are empowered to achieve. We provide training and retraining to afford staff the opportunity to retain and build upon their quality skills and advantages.
Touchstone Health Services consistently strives for inclusiveness and diversity in our customer base and our work force. We respect and celebrate cultural differences and the power that these differences bring to our community and to our agency. We are sensitive to and respectful of the special needs of the people we serve and employ. Through cultural diversity, we foster the strength that comes from diverse perspectives.