The University of Georgia - Athletic Association

About The University of Georgia - Athletic Association

Our mission is to offer nationally competitive intercollegiate athletic programs which reflect the interests of our students and faculty, the Southeastern Conference, and the people of Georgia and of the nation who support our activities. These programs provide a worthwhile experience for our student-athletes by teaching them the basic principles of amateur competition, competitive integrity, fair play, and good sportsmanship.

The UGA Athletic Association is committed to the principle of providing equitable opportunities for all students and staff, including women and minorities. These programs and this principle are a source of enthusiasm and loyalty; they enliven and enrich the life of our academic community; they keep our graduates in touch with the University long after they leave campus; they serve as a common rallying point for people of all ages and backgrounds; and they reinforce the University's commitment to diversity.

We seek to enhance the academic endeavors of the University, by helping through our success to attract both promising students and the assistance of private philanthropy, and by providing direct financial support.

Above all, we recognize that the University's obligation to the state of Georgia, and to the parents everywhere who send us their sons and daughters, is to provide our students with a level of quality education which leads to recognized academic achievement, contributing to their social development and preparing them for meaningful lives and careers. We are committed to the proposition that academic achievement is not and should not be a gift. Rather, it is a challenge that must be met by the individual students, as well as the University.


Promotions Volunteer

September 2017 Athens, GA
“Experience gained seeing the front lines of athletic promotions.”
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