Good pay, commission based, I ranged anywhere from $15.00 to $25.00 an hour. Sometimes they would provide lunch for the workers. Supposedly they pay for your CDL Class B but they never got around to training me. CDL Class B comes with a $500 bonus.
What I wish was different
A lot of their equipment was old and not the best, better care of their equipment and replacing bad equipment would go a long way. Also they REALLY want you to work weekends and the average day lasted 10 hours.
If you don't mind working your summer away this is a great place to save up some money, I averaged $150 - $200 a day.
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Operations Transport Manager
May 2015 • Chicago, IL
What I liked
The pay, the camaraderie, business to business sales, constantly problem solving, no micromanaging from upper level management.
What I wish was different
Set end time for each day.
Great job for College students who pay tuition on their own as the summer months are the busiest. If one is not afraid of hard work, it is the perfect job.
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Ice Salesman
June - August 2018 • Dayton, OH
What I liked
Physical labor, independence
What I wish was different
I wish that some of the customers had been nicer.
If you need human interaction, this is not for you.
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Delivery Driver
May - August 2018 • Ottawa Lake, MI
What I liked
Flexible hours
What I wish was different
More hours
Driving an ice truck in the summer is actually not cold whatsoever