Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Telecommunications Engineering Intern

May 2022 • Chattanooga, TN

What I liked

It is a very welcoming environment that has endless career opportunities and flexibility.

What I wish was different


Ask a lot of questions
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Portfolio Risk Management Intern

May 2023 • Huntsville, AL

What I liked

Everyone in the company has demonstrated a vested interest in ensuring that I feel valued. Even people outside of my team have been sincerely glad to learn more about me as a person, share their experiences, and point me in the right directions. The culture is legitimate in the way it is oriented around the people internally and those it serves externally.

What I wish was different

As a federal agency, the decision-making process is diligent and slow to ensure confidence in long-lasting impacts and bureaucratic responsibility (particularly in Enterprise Planning). Staying engaged and stimulated is the responsibility of the employee; however, the intern program has shown a continued interest in improving consistent engagement opportunities for continued learning.


Everyone I have scheduled 1:1 time with has been receptive to taking time out of their day to meet. I suggest networking within the company in order to better understand the larger picture of a huge business. Connecting faces with the organization structure and business unit responsibilities has helped guide me in understanding what are the best questions to be asking.
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Corporate Accounting Intern

May 2023 • Chattanooga, TN

What I liked

I liked how many opportunities there were for interns to get involved, learn more about TVA, and talk to managers and executives in a small setting. There are at least 3 virtual events per week that allow interns to learn about the different organizations within TVA and ask questions. I also love how kind and willing everyone is to help out and answer any questions! TVA truly wants their interns to succeed! Since my position is remote, I have enjoyed the flexibility that comes with that.

What I wish was different


I would advise learning as much as you can about TVA prior to applying. TVA's mission of service is one of the main reasons I wanted to work for them!
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Service Delivery Intern

May 2023 • Chattanooga, TN

What I liked

The environment is very nice at TVA. The managers a very kind and they work with your schedule, which was nice since I had summer classes when I started. I enjoyed being exposed to new and interesting technologies. A lot of the work revolved around things I would not have choses given the option. My manager never micromanaged me which was very nice. There were also a lot of fun opportunities to talk with employees from other departments and teams. The facility tours and volunteering opportunities were a added bonus. The pay is also nothing to sneeze at.

What I wish was different

I came from a software development job before TVA. My other job was aggressively agile. My team would meet twice a day for check ins, along with other unplanned interactions. It was quite shocking to come to TVA and work remote in a cohort instead of directly on a team. It made some of the tasks I was doing seem like they were busy work made up to keep the interns busy. I would have preferred if I was directly connected to a team, even if it was only for the duration of the project. It makes the work more significant to see the customer.


Don't be afraid to ask questions, even before you are hired. It is better for everyone if you are put on the right team, so make sure you make your goals and interests known.
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Strategic Communications Intern

May 2021 • Knoxville, TN

What I liked

My internship with TVA has been nothing short of amazing. In the two years I have been here so far, I have met so many great people that genuinely care about me. One of my favorite things about TVA is that no matter what level someone is (manager, entry-level, executive), they will treat you with respect and want to get to know you on a personal level. Everyone wants to know about you. I also love that the work I do is important. Everything I do has a purpose. It is to allow me to learn and help the company rather than just give me things to do. This internship has allowed me to grow in so many ways.

What I wish was different

I honestly have no complaints about my internship with TVA. It's been perfect.


The best thing I have done during my internship is to offer my skills to others and reach out for opportunities. When there is something that interests me, I ask my manager if she can link me with someone who specializes in that. This allows me to learn many new things, work on so many different projects and meet people that will then reach out with more work in the future. Definitely reach out and volunteer for opportunities.
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Computer Aided Design Technician

May 2018 - June 2019 • Knoxville, TN

What I liked

The ability to use my AutoCAD skills I developed in high school and apply them to real-world problems.

What I wish was different

Having the ability to take professional training courses while working.


Know how to be well-rounded in your approach to design work.
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Software Engineering Intern

February 2022 • Chattanooga, TN

What I liked

The company culture is great. My team was just being put together as I was hired so it was relatively new. I thought I wouldn't be able to contribute much starting out, but my manager included me in so many opportunities to use my skillset and grow. I love working with my team, and most of the others I've met here are all great people! I love working with technology, and this company has so many new ideas and innovations to show every week. Data, robotics, and so many neat things to learn more about. The hybrid work environment is also great. I was a student at UAB (college in Alabama), but I was able to stay connected to everyone and work efficiently from home with no issues. My work schedule was also flexible since I was still taking classes. Great work/life balance!

What I wish was different

I think I was initially hired in January, but the hiring process did take a while. I think it was because of a background check that employees are required to undergo. I ended up starting like 2-3 weeks after being hired. Also, there were some fun events that I missed out on since I stayed over 2 hours away from the company. But I was able to go to the area and meet my team over the summer. I was also able to tour the building, which was great!


I would say try to make the best use of your time with TVA as possible. Introduce yourself to people. Ask your manager and colleagues about opportunities with things that you like to do. See if you can find something that you love doing, because once your foot is in the door, you have plenty of time to explore those things. The biggest piece of advice I can give is to be yourself! Whether in interview, or after being hired.
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Facilities Projects Intern

May 2022 • Chattanooga, TN

What I liked

I love how my thoughts and my input is valued at TVA. Facilities department is like a family and everyone is very welcoming and helpful! I definitely want to grow with this company! They have such a positive and welcoming culture, that I can ask for help to anyone without hesitation.

What I wish was different

I wish there were more in-person interactions. I have been working as an intern for little over 3 months, and barely recognize them in-person since we have been working remotely most of the time.


TVA is welcome to open mindedness and positive attitude work style. Everyone's inputs are welcomed and no one is left out of that. If you have the drive to get things done and learn new things, TVA will be a great place for you! I love every bit of it! I wouldn't trade it for anything!
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Nuclear Fuel Engineering Intern

June - August 2022 • Athens, AL

What I liked

Everyone I met and spoke to was super friendly and welcoming; that is something TVA values, which made working here a pleasure. From fellow interns to managers, everyone genuinely cares about how you are doing and will go out of their way to help you with whatever you need.

What I wish was different

The only work option was remote, which was unfortunate since I couldn't connect as much with others, making it hard to stay motivated at times. I hope the future interns will get the chance to work in-person.


Never be afraid to ask a question. You are an intern and one thing you should be doing is constantly learning and absorbing as much knowledge as possible so if something doesn't make sense, ask about it and take advantage of the opportunity to further your understanding.
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Data Engineering Intern

March 2021 • Chattanooga, TN

What I liked

I love TVA because it is extremely inclusive and I have felt like a huge part of the team my entire internship thus far. Finding Important work is fun and rewarding at TVA and I am given opportunities to excel and express myself, even as an intern.

What I wish was different

There is nothing I wish to be different at my internship. Perhaps if I had to pick, more travel and meeting new people.


Advice I would give to new comers is always be yourself in the work environment and show what you're great at, its okay to toot your own horn sometimes. Never sell yourself short! Your time is a valuable asset, so spend it doing things you love and are appreciated for.
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Financial Services Intern

May 2022 • Chattanooga, TN

What I liked

The internship program is extremely well-rounded and involved. Even while being remote we were provided with numerous opportunities to network and train. I've really enjoyed the people as well, everyone is incredibly friendly and willing to answer any questions.

What I wish was different

There's not much to say for this as it was a great experience!


Network, take every opportunity that is provided, get out of your comfort zone, and be proactive!
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Strategic Engagement Intern

October 2021 • Chattanooga, TN

What I liked

During my time at TVA, it has been motivating to work with people who curate a culture of questions, smart and efficient work, and overall an atmosphere where it is fun to work. Even when running into obstacles as an intern I always know I can reach out and find assistance in any area.

What I wish was different

Before my time at TVA, I have work in many different environments, locations, and focuses. My time at TVA has been great and I would not change anything.


Be engaged, be active, and be present. In the culture of Technology and Innovation, these teams are here to problem solve and find efficient solutions. Show support to them and they will support you.
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May 2022 • Chattanooga, TN

What I liked

As an intern I was never treated like I was at the bottom of the chain. I was given a lot of busy work but there have been a few projects that I worked on that ended up being used by TVA. Everybody was very positive and willing to help anytime. Overly positive experience all around.

What I wish was different

I wish there had been more focus on guiding the interns work wise. Once I reached out I would immediately be given instructions on what I could/should be doing. However, I could have spent weeks just watching training videos all day that did not seem to clarify what the job actually was. Not a bad experience here just would sometimes feel a little lost on what to do next.


Just go for it. I did not think I was what TVA was looking for at all and I seem to fit in great!
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Data Enablement Intern

May 2022 • Chattanooga, TN

What I liked

The work is meaningful and educational. There is no busy work, and the learning resources are immeasurable. There are regular opportunities to network with executives and people from all over the company. They really care about developing their interns.

What I wish was different

More in person events, but that wasn't the fault of TVA. Covid restrictions prevented many of the planned events from occurring.


Fill every spare moment you have with learning. Find out what positions you are interested in and what knowledge they require, and then take advantage of the massive resource library to hone those skills while you are there.
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Creative Digital Intern

June - September 2021 • Knoxville, TN

What I liked

My boss was amazing!

What I wish was different

2 Week Background Checks


Set your start date earlier than when school lets out.
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CADNet Technician

December 2017 - May 2019 • Chattanooga, TN

What I liked

I enjoyed the experience. This was definitely a stepping stone into the internship I have now with TVA. I enjoyed how my superiors were definitely wanting me to succeed. They offered every opportunity available for me to gain experience and make connections.

What I wish was different

I honestly wouldn't change anything.


Once you get your foot in the door, just put your best effort into it. Show interest regardless if you don't find it interesting in the moment. Say yes to every opportunity you get.
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Power Operations Intern

June - August 2019 • Chattanooga, TN

What I liked

I enjoyed the many opportunities to network throughout the company and how easy it was to connect with other engineers in the office. Plant tours were also a very fun addition to the internship experience.

What I wish was different

I wish more work opportunities had been given to me during my time there and that there was more meaningful work to be done.


Do not be scared to just get up and talk to other engineers or coworkers if there is not much on your plate at the moment. Many times, if you ask, the person you speak to will give you an assignment.
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SOX Intern

June - August 2019 • Knoxville, TN

What I liked

I enjoyed auditing people. It was interesting, and I enjoyed that it forced me to build relationships with people.

What I wish was different

I spent a lot of time reading, which was not exciting.


I learned again the importance of committing to a role that you're in. The mindset of commitment to your job takes you a long way!
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Engineering Intern

May - July 2018 • Chattanooga, TN

What I liked

Projects felt like they mattered instead of just doing busy work. People in my group were very helpful. A lot of interaction with executives and many planned internship activities.

What I wish was different


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Financial Operations Intern

May 2018 • Chattanooga, TN

What I liked

The intern program provided ample opportunities to see different parts of TVA and network regularly with managers. My team in Financial Services provided a perfect foundation for me as I begin my career.

What I wish was different

I wish that there had been more opportunities to apply. I found it difficult to know whether or not my application was completed.


Take advantage of meeting new people. Don't be afraid to say yes. Ask people for follow-up meetings. Get involved as much as possible and don't forget to set goals.
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