This Brooklyn based, 501c3 national foundation has been around since 2009 offering women’s health and wellness services, including public awareness and education of the signs, symptoms and risk factors of ovarian cancer, providing support to those impacted by the disease and raising funds for research in order to find a screening test and a cure.
T.E.A.L. ® stands for both Tell Every Amazing Lady About Ovarian Cancer Louisa M. McGregor Ovarian Cancer Foundation and for Teal, the color that symbolizes Ovarian Cancer. Our goal is to decrease mortality rates by helping women identify signs and symptoms and urging them to seek medical help at the earliest possible stages. We believe that by equipping women with knowledge about the disease and its signs, and encouraging them to listen to their bodies, we can save lives. ®T.E.A.L. programs focus on providing support to patients and survivors, raising public awareness, and sharing resources with key partners in the struggle to end Ovarian Cancer. T.E.A.L. funds cutting-edge research and public education campaigns designed to improve the lives of Ovarian Cancer patients and those at risk of contracting the disease. We are constantly in the community participating in health fairs, symposiums, and lectures at schools, universities, community centers, hospitals, and community meetings throughout the year to provide information about Ovarian Cancer and to address this important women’s health issue. Our programs function on the principle that awareness and education of Ovarian Cancer is empowering, and understanding this deadly disease is the first step toward fighting it.