The experience overall was amazing. As an intern I had a lot of freedom, but also responsibility. The people I worked with were very professional and treated me as a normal member of their team. I liked that I had the opportunity to work with different members of the news team.
What I wish was different
Do as much as you can and never say no to an opportunity that is presented to you. Meet and get to know all of the employees at the station.
One person found this helpful
June - August 2019 • Atlanta, GA
What I liked
I liked the people that I worked with! I think the people I worked with made the internship worth it
What I wish was different
There often lacked structure of what I really needed to do. While I certainly enjoyed having large tasks handed out to me at the beginning, it felt like I could complete them quickly and then not have much to do afterward.
Go in with an open mind about what you want to do and don't be afraid to think outside the box about ways to constantly stay involved!
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Marketing/Production Intern
May - August 2019 • Buffalo, NY
What I liked
There was a fantastic, friendly atmosphere at the WGRZ station. The production team I worked with was also very experienced and I accompanied them as they filmed many different ad spots for the station. They constantly had new ideas for their commercial content and this taught me a lot about what people want to watch.
What I wish was different
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Finance Intern
July - August 2018 • McLean, VA
What I liked
What I wish was different
More projects to work on and more finance related material